Talin leaned away from me, letting me up. Pulling away from the wall, I couldn't stop my chuckle. Unfortunately Tath heard it. I was smoothing my skirts back into place when he stormed into my face.

"I am not the brunt of your jokes, Priestess," he warned.

"No, Lord Ranndor, you are not. I'm just amused that you think there's only one part of a man that can please a woman." I lifted my eyes to his, refusing to ignore the way he constantly insulted his brother. "As sharp as your tongue has been lately, I would've thought you had more experience with it."

"More than my brother," he assured me. "Would you like a demonstration?"

"Oh, but initiates are not allowed to take private sessions, my lord. Not until we've proven ourselves in our Path. Or Paths."

"Nari..." Talin warned.

"Sorry, my love," I said, realizing I was pushing this too hard.

But Tath caught that last word. "Love?" he asked. "Do you honestly believe that he cares anything for you, girl? My little brother has always been the peacock, willing to steal the spotlight any time he can." Then he let his eyes run down me. "And for the first time in his life, there's one thing his brother can do that he cannot."

Because Tath believed that Talin was castrated by the ring around his dick. Even worse, I couldn't tell him otherwise. Right now, I couldn't do much of anything besides apologize. Otherwise, I'd make this worse.

"I'm sorry, Baron," I told him. "I didn't mean that to sound the way it did. It was intended as a joke, nothing more." I took a step back, not wanting to challenge him with my posture. "I'm afraid we speak more openly about these things in the temple, and I'm inexperienced in such elegant households as yours."

Tath caught my arm, refusing to allow me to escape. "I'm more than willing to show you."

"Your wife has already offered to help me navigate the nuances of high society," I assured him, hoping to steer this conversation to safer ground.

"Not at all what I meant," Tath said, his voice dropping. "After all, it is the Darkest Night."

"Let go of my desire," Talin warned him.

Tath simply smiled a split second before he pulled me against him, and his mouth followed. I turned my head away just before his lips found mine, so he kissed my neck instead, trying to prove his point. I didn't even get the chance to tug my arm free before Talin was there, shoving his brother back. A short dagger had appeared in his hand, and was now pressed to his brother's neck.

"Do you understand the purpose of a guardian now?" Talin asked. "Because Zeal's temptations are impossible to resist. That doesnotmean that she's lost her right to refuse." He tilted his head slightly, just enough to see me from the corner of his eye. "You ok, Chosen?"

"I am now," I promised.

Talin pushed his brother back another step. "If youevertouch her without consent again, Thiemo will inherit your title. Do you understand me, brother? By the laws of Zeal, I have the right to protect my ward with whatever force I deem necessary. This isnotabout what is mine and what is yours. It's about what ishers."

Tath didn't look worried at all, but he lifted his hands. "I will remember this, Talin. Trust me, I will. And next year, when you step into my home, it will be with dread, because that woman will be mine. Father gave you everything, but now I'm the one in charge. That means I finally get to take it all away, and I'm starting with her."

I just lifted my chin and glared at him. "I should warn you, Tath, that there is always a price for your temptation. The cost for me? I will make sure it's more than you are willing to pay."

"Oh, you precious little thing," he sneered back. "Don't you know I'm rich? Only the house of Ambition has a bigger fortune than I do. I think I can pay it."

"Some things are worth more than gold, Lord Ranndor. It's a lesson you need to learn." And I turned, walking from the room. "Guardian?"

"Right behind you," Talin promised. But when we were outside, he whispered, "Where are we going?"

"To find Maela. Your brother just picked a fight he cannot win."

Chapter 48


Thankfully, Talin had a good guess as to where his sister-in-law would be at this hour. He turned me toward the stairs, and the two of us hurried all the way up to the third floor. Sure enough, the moment I stepped into the hall, I could hear the soft singing coming from the nursery. Talin's hand slipped down to the small of my back, and he guided me toward the voice.

When we reached the door, I tapped lightly on the frame, even though it was open. "Maela?" I asked.

She looked up from her son and her eyes widened. "Priestess..." Swinging the little boy to her hip, she gestured for us to come in.

We did, then Talin closed the door behind us. Without a word, he moved to the side to pour a glass of water, then carried that over to me. I hadn't even realized I needed it until he pressed it into my hands. Then, Talin guided me to one of the soft chairs in the room, gesturing for Maela to take another.