He just shrugged beneath me. "I figure you'll be divinely inspired or something. Kinda how gods work, right?" Then he pulled me back to his chest. "And I'll be right beside you every step of the way, ready to cut down anyone or anything that tries to stop you."

"Zeal's Blade," I murmured against his chest.

"No, beautiful.Yourblade. He gave me to you."

Chapter 43


Asudden rush of light pulled me from sleep, but it wasn't enough to convince me to move. I was too comfortable here. My right arm was under Talin's neck. My left was across his chest. His shoulder had become the pillow for my head, and my chest was tucked into the space beside his ribs, yet I'd managed to toss my leg over his thigh. The man had basically become a pillow for my entire body. I wasn't sure how we'd managed it, but somehow we still fit.

Then a man cleared his throat. "Sir," he said softly. "You have an hour before breakfast will be served."

Talin groaned. "Let me up, darling?" he mumbled, sliding his body out from under mine.

I grumbled, making him pause to pull the blankets up over my hip. "Can you put some wood on the fire for her, Branstan?" he asked.

"Does your mother know she spent the night, sir?"

"It's Priest," I mumbled, reaching up to steal Talin's pillow.

He chuckled at me as he slipped out of the bed. "She's my ward, Bran, so yeah." I listened to his bare feet hurry across the floor. "Fuck, it's cold."

That was amusing enough to make me roll over. I was just in time to see him scurry into a room at the side, which was most likely the bathroom, but his ass was still completely bare. I couldn't have stopped the giggle if I wanted to.

"Miss," the servant said, drawing my attention. "Shall I get you a robe?"

Even at this hour, he wore a crisp suit in black and white, and looked as composed as if waking Talin in the morning was no different than answering the door for guests.

"No," I assured him, holding the blankets to my chest as I sat up. "I'll get dressed in a minute."

The man refused to look at me, heading to the fireplace to put another log on instead. "You should know the entire house is up, miss."

"Mm, yeah, and I'm supposed to have breakfast with Lina." I'd agreed to that last night.

"That would be with the entire family, then." The man stood to poke the fire into life. "If you'd like, I would be happy to get you back to your room."

"This is my room," I told him. "Bran, right?"

"Yes, miss."

I smiled at him. "My title is Priestess, although I would've thought the lace on my back would've given that away."

He reached for another log, refusing to turn back to face me. "I would never presume to look at you, Priestess."

The door to the bathroom opened, and Talin stepped out, just as naked as he'd walked in. "There's as much lace on her back as there is on mine," he said, proving he'd heard the entire conversation. "And more on the rest of her. So far as my mother cares, she should be treated as my wife." He made his way across the expanse of the room to open another door, revealing a massive closet - and a thick robe hanging inside the door. "Could you hang our things in here today?" he asked the man. "Hers with mine will be fine."

"Did you need assistance dressing, sir?" Bran asked.

Talin chuckled. "I've been doing it myself for long enough, my friend. Oh! Can you also have a cart hitched up for me today? I wanted to take my ward shopping - if I can manage to get out of the house without some form of my family with us."

"A park cart?" Bran asked.

"That would be perfect," Talin assured him. "With a blanket for the Priestess? She isn't used to spending winters outside the temple."

The man finally glanced at me. "I'll make sure it's a thick one. Can I bring tea or coffee in for you?"

"Nari?" Talin asked. "Have a preference?"