Zeal just lifted a brow. "I think I know that better than anyone else. I also think you learned one of the most important lessons in the world. How to value that which is priceless."
I turned to snap something at him - thankful he was the kind of god who didn't smite his priests for such things - when a light rap stopped me. "Come," I called out instead.
The knob turned and Talin peeked his head in. "Huh, looks just like my place," he said as he came the rest of the way in, carrying at least three books. "Hey, Zeal."
"Talin," Zeal greeted him, still not moving.
"So this is where you've been?" Talin asked.
Zeal just nodded. "It's nice to finally have a friend."
"Told you that you could visit me anytime you want." Then Talin looked at me. "But it seems I suck at making it clear my invitations are honest ones."
"He's nervous," Zeal said, completely killing any chance I had of not looking desperate.
Talin just dropped his books on the table. "In truth, I kinda am too." He glanced up at me. "I can't quite tell if you're trying to give me the polite brush-off, or really just don't trust me."
"It's more that he's hoping you aren't here just to dig up dirt on him," Zeal answered.
"Believe it or not," I told him, "I can speak for myself. Can't you go take a nap or something?"
"Gonna cuddle?" Zeal asked. "Need some alone time?"
"Gonna study," I corrected. "Fuck, there's nothing like having a god as your best friend to cramp a guy's style. Talk about making myself the perpetual wing man."
Talin's eyes flicked to Zeal, then he ducked his head, failing to hide the grin on his face. "I think you just made a god blush," he teased.
I turned back to see Zeal smiling stupidly at me. "You know, that's the first time you've called me that," he admitted.
"Don't let it go to your head," I told him. "You're also my only friend, thus the best."
"I'll still take it," Zeal said, sitting up. "And it's a good note to leave on. Pitcher's full of silphium, since it will make you relaxed without wiping your mind." But he paused before standing. "Thank you for making the effort, Talin."
And then he was gone. I scrubbed at my face, feeling like a complete idiot. First, because Nari's new guardian was almost as attractive as her partner. And secondly, because I barely knew this guy. I had no idea what Nari and Ela had told him. I could only imagine the things that had been said about me - all of which I deserved - and wonder why he didn't hate me.
"So..." I said. "Wild guess, but you don't really want to study?"
"Oh, I do," he promised. "I also told you to make an effort, and you still haven't come around, so I decided it was time to push."
"Why?" I asked him. "Don't you get it, Talin? I've already burned that bridge. Now I'm just supposed to live with the mistakes I've made and learn from them."
"Ok," he admitted, "the second part I agree with. The bridge burning, though? I'm not quite sure that's the case."
"I know," I groaned, "she misses me. She also doesn'tknowme anymore. Nari misses the innocent little boy I used to be. She misses the nostalgia of our childhood. She wants to cling to that safety she had before she was Zeal's Chosen, and somehow she thinks I can give that to her, right?"
His eyes narrowed as I talked. They were such a beautiful color, looking like someone had turned the winter sky into gems. Framed with those long, dark lashes and the mussed and carefree dark hair? He had probably broken a lot of hearts.
"What?" I finally asked.
"Are you really that jaded?" he asked.
That was not at all the question I'd expected. "Excuse me?"
"I'm saying I can't decide if you're trying to brace for possible rejection, or if you honestly think my friends are so completely oblivious to the world around them that they'd pickyouas their icon of an easy life."
"Uh..." I couldn't figure out how to respond to that.
So Talin leaned over the table. "Grab the pitcher and a couple of glasses, because we're going to have a little talk. I'm not going to pull any punches, and you can do me the favor of speaking to me with the same candor you use with Zeal. Deal?"