"Did you do the other holidays?" he asked.

I tucked my head against his chest. "I don't really remember them. In truth, I don't remember that much about my childhood anymore. Just being here. I have this vague knowledge that I was always hungry, but that's about it."

"Me too. I mean, I can remember my sister pressing that stuffed dog into my hands, but wouldn't recognize her if I saw her again. Her face is just a blur where the memory should be. I remember my father's belt, though." He kissed the top of my head. "I am going to miss having you with us, but I think you deserve some time with Talin."

"Will you make sure Eladehl has fun?" I asked. "He'll find some weak excuse to stay home with you. He tries so hard to be everything he assumes I want, but I just want him to be him."

"Yeah," he said softly. "I know. I'll taunt him until he does something completely stupid, and I plan to make sure he has enough to drink that he won't remember how to resist a temptation." Then he chuckled. "Speaking of that. While they're gone, you want to see if you can ask a god to make some very impressive gifts?"

"Zeal?" I called out, looking over the back of the couch and hoping I'd finally get to see him appear.

Instead, my god slipped in beside Wraythe - which put him behind me. I was starting to think this was a game to him. When I turned around to face him, he was smiling. It actually looked like he was happy to see us.

"You've been busy," he said.

Which made me realize just how long it had been since we'd last talked. "In all honesty? I kinda have," I admitted. "I also don't want to be that priestess who keeps begging you to handle everything for her."

He moved to claim the empty chair across from us. "I don't mind. No, let me say that another way. It's nice to be useful again, Nariana. And, I happen to know that you need a god's favor for some gifts for your upcoming vacation from the temple."

I pulled myself off Wraythe's lap just to turn the right way before leaning against him again. "Which I'm not looking forward to. I'd rather be here with you and my guys."

"Ah, but I'll finally be busy that night. Trust me," Zeal said, "everyone is praying and believing on the Darkest Night." He looked at Wraythe. "Except you. Your first one was spent overflowing your diaper, all over the floor. Your mother prayed for you to never shit again. I ignored her."

"Did not need to know that," Wraythe teased. "So can you help Nari with a few gifts to impress the baron?"

"Sure," Zeal said. "Just need some water in there and the breath of a god. I figure that the wife can have a perfume that will make her irresistible, and the husband can have liquor that will addle his brains without the ache that follows in the morning." He looked at me with his iridescent eyes. "And for you, my Chosen? What gift would you like for the Darkest Night?"

I glanced over to Wraythe, having a sudden idea. "Can you make sure Wraythe and Eladehl actually enjoy themselves? Maybe send a few temptations their way?"

Zeal actually chuckled. "Eladehl will be easy to tempt. He's made for it. You, Wraythe? Tell me, is it chocolate you want? A stout beer? Both? Although they wouldn't mix well together. We both know that there's no other woman in this world who could catch your eye, so I won't even try. Ah, I know, a weapon."

"I wouldn't say no to that," Wraythe agreed. "Something that doesn't look out of place. I look like an idiot with a rapier."

"I can work with that," Zeal agreed. "And if you don't pick something, Nari, that means I get to choose as I want."

"Then surprise me," I told him. "And stop being so polite about my privacy? Believe it or not, Zeal, you're always welcome here."

His eyes found mine and he smiled, the look much sweeter than I expected. "Fill the things with water, would you, Wraythe? I'm suddenly feeling very giving."

Chapter 36


Iwas pacing back and forth around the small area between my bed and the table. We had two days before mid-year exams started, and then a week break for the winter holidays. Everyone was studying. Groups were gathering in every dining hall, each common area, and packing into rooms, but not mine. The clock on my wall showed that it was five minutes after the hour, so he was late.

Talin had gone out of his way to ask if he could study with me for our guardian classes. I didn't know why I'd agreed. Maybe because I hoped Wraythe would come with him? Or to get to know the man who stood where I would've if I hadn't fucked it all up? My heart was pounding much too hard, my palms were sweaty, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I never should've agreed to this!

"The pacing is only going to make you more anxious," Zeal said from my bed. "Anver, it's just studying."

"He'sherguardian!" I pointed out, as if the God of Temptation didn't already know that.

Instead, he lifted a hand and began picking at his nails. "Yes, because I needed him there. I need you somewhere else."

"I know," I grumbled. "You've said that before. Plan on telling me what my job's supposed to be?"

"Not yet," he said.

"Asshole," I mumbled, knowing he'd still hear it. "Do you have any idea what it's like to be cut off from everyone you care about, andknowthat it's all your fault?"