As soon as our classes were done for the day, Eladehl and I called a family gathering in our suite. Neither of us had been brave enough to mention our Eroticism assignment to our guardians. While technically we all knew that one day Eladehl and I would sleep with other people, that day had always been some vague point in the future.
Now it wasn't.
So, hovering in the living room awkwardly, Eladehl and I exchanged nervous glances. I jerked my chin at him in an effort to get him to start this, but he shook his head. Wraythe collapsed into his chair and leaned back. Talin flopped onto his favorite corner of the couch. Both of them looked at us, and I really didn't have a clue how this would go.
"Rumor has it," Wraythe said, breaking our stalemate, "that Body initiates got some big assignment in Eroticism. Most of the guardians are talking about it."
"And that we're going to finally get to observe," Talin added.
"Yeah," I said, dropping down beside Talin. "Um, and Eladehl and I were specifically told we couldn't pick each other."
"Makes sense," he agreed. "Since the lesson is to sleep with a stranger."
Wraythe huffed out a laugh. "You picked a guy, didn't you, Ela?"
"I sure did," he agreed. "A big, strong one, too. About halfway between you and Talin, so you can still take him."
Wraythe nodded. "Still not sure what I'm supposed to do for aftercare. I mean, wiping your ass seems pretty gross."
"I can wipe my own ass," Eladehl assured him. "Gathering my clothes, maybe? I dunno, Wraythe. Wing it, and we'll figure it out after?"
"You nervous?" Talin asked me.
I shook my head. "Not about that. This cute guy asked if I'd partner with him. I mean, he's not my type, but he's easy on the eyes."
"How's that work?" Wraythe asked.
"My type is more of a mindset," I assured him. "Oh, I like sexy men, but I love the sweet ones."
The big guy nodded proudly. "I can get behind that, because I'm sweet. Now, it means Ela's out, but he'll just pick up some other guy and bend over for him."
"Fuck off," Eladehl teased.
Talin ignored them. "So what made you nervous?"
"You." I curled up on my cushion to face him. "I heard that you're not a fan of sharing, but you'vebeensharing, and I kinda wondered if this was going to piss you off."
He just shook his head. "No, I'm well aware of what your duty is, Nari. I also think you're beautiful in another man's arms. I just need to know when to step in."
"A safe word?" Wraythe suggested.
"Gagging," Eladehl pointed out. "I didn't restrict it."
"Ah." Wraythe nodded. "Trust my gut?"
"Probably best," Talin agreed. "I mean, I'm pretty sure I know Nari well enough to understand a desperate look, and you've known Ela a lot longer. Almost anything else we come up with could be thwarted. A hand gesture won't work if they're bound. A word is nullified with a gag. So, if you two just check in every so often, glancing at us when things are intense, we'll judge the situation. How's that?"
"I don't think my guy's into kinky stuff," I assured him. "Sounds like he's more of the normal stick it in, wiggle it around kind. And maybe a bit full of himself."
"And," Eladehl said, "you two get to grade our partners. Which kinda sucks for them, since both of you know what it looks like when we're honestly enjoying ourselves."
Wraythe chuckled. "So, if you blow your load fast, is that a good score, or a bad one?"
"Shit," Eladehl laughed, "if he can make me cum in less than ten minutes, give him an excellent."
"You have the schedule yet?" Talin asked.