"You stupid whore," Tath snarled.
"A man should never terrorize a child," Nari told him, lifting her chin in defiance.
I moved, but it felt like time slowed. Tath swung, the back of his hand cracking against Nari's face. She rolled with it, absorbing the shock the way she'd been taught, then ducked back and faced him again. The one thing she didn't do was strike back, but that was ok. I was going to kill that man for touching her. No one was allowed to abuse her like that. Not without tasting my wrath.
But Tath was done playing around. His hand snapped out and closed on her throat. "This is not your home. You have no power here," he warned, his fingers pale as he choked her.
Nari simply sank to her knees, lifting her head to give him complete access. Never before had I seen her submit, but that was clearly what she was doing. He wanted to wield his rage, and she was taking it. Behind her, Yamina had grabbed Maela, huddling her and the baby into the corner. I simply stepped forward, taking it all in without slowing.
Until Nari raised her hand. That tiny little gesture begged me to wait, and my feet stopped on their own, trusting her more than I trusted myself. My desire wasn't trying to fight back. She wasn't struggling to get away from him. She knelt there passively, taking his abuse as if it didn't bother her at all.
"Burn it out," she breathed softly, her voice hampered by the fist on her throat. "My price is less than your wife's. Tell me what has made you so angry, Baron."
He sneered in her face. "You think your cute little tricks are going to get you out of this?" Tath's eyes jumped over to me. "No wonder you were assigned this one. She's spineless."
I kept my mouth shut, saying nothing. I had no fucking idea what Nari was doing, but she had that look about her. The one I'd first noticed in that inn, then later when she faced down the High Priest before her immersion. It seemed to come when she was doing Zeal's work, and I couldn't have described it if I tried. Pride? Calm? I didn't even know. Divine was the best I had.
"It's the Fresh Start," Nari said, her voice a little stronger, proving my brother's hand had relaxed. "There's nothing wrong with a mother wanting to spend it with her child."
"And her lover," Tath growled, looking up to glare at his wife.
Nari just laughed. "Did he go over the railing? Or is it your lover you're feeling so guilty about? Why weren't you here with your family, Tath? Not loyal enough to care? Too greedy to want to share your time? Too indecisive, thinking that because people call you Lord Ranndor, it means anything more than our disgust?"
Tath jerked his hand back and slapped her across the face from the other side. "You overstep your place, Priestess. This ismyhouse. This is my family. You are my guest!" Then he leaned in. "Or is this the only way you could catch my attention, hm? I know what lies you told my wife."
And Nari smiled. "Shall we share stories, Tath? I am merely an initiate priestess. You are nothing more than an initiate baron. I would've thought you'd be more worried about proving your worth. Instead, you've turned your frustration not on improving yourself, but rather on abusing those around you. The weakest and most helpless."
"Take Haryth," Maela whispered behind me, clearly to my sister.
"I'm not leaving you," Yamina said.
I just gestured for them to stay, because I would not let him abuse either woman in my presence. Besides, it seemed like Nari had this. She was taking his rage, shifting it, and giving it focus. At least, I hoped it was working.
Zeal, protect her,I thought as hard as I could.I don't know how to guard her from this, so please help her where I can't.
Something about Tath immediately changed. "Can't you see it?" he asked. "Look at them!"
Nari didn't turn, but she seemed to realize he was talking about both Maela and Yamina. "Friends? It's what women do, Tath. We aren't scared of sharing ourselves with those we care about. Be happy for your wife, not jealous that she's learning how to be happy in your home."
"That's not what they're doing!" he yelled. "Maela refuses to let me marry that little snit off!"
"I'm not a snit!" Yamina snapped back.
Tath's head snapped up, and Nari knew she'd just lost him. She tried to shove to her feet, but he just pushed her aside - hard. Her body crashed into the crib that was the focus of the room, her head bounced off the railing, and for one split second, I was torn between running to her and stopping my brother.
"Go!" she gasped.
I went. Ducking around the back of the crib, I hit Tath hard on both shoulders, wishing I had a weapon with me. My brother stood an inch or two taller, but I was much more solid. He staggered back, and then the man roared, slinging a fist at my head. My forearm blocked that, but he was pissed about something. I just had no idea what.
Tath hit me again, but I had this. Another shove pushed him back. A punch to his gut made him stagger to the side. Slowly, block by block and hit by hit, I was steering him away from the women in the room. I wanted to look back and check on Nari, but I didn't have the time. I didn't dare look away from the rage pouring out of my brother's fists, all aimed for my face.
"Just stop," I said, hoping it would work.
But now I was the target of his ire. "You come here, thinking you can show me up again?"
"You invited me!" I blocked another hit and got a jab in to his jaw. "Your demand gave me no way to say no."
This time, Tath didn't stagger. He dropped a shoulder and shoved into me, heaving my feet from the floor. Together, we crashed backwards, hitting the table beside the door. Something cracked, and I was hoping it was the wood and not my body, yet I wasn't close to done. Snagging a fistful of his shirt, I slung him through the open doors and out onto the balcony.