"The ladies’ room would've been easier," he teased.
"What are we doing to them?" I asked, spinning to face him.
Zeal let out a heavy sigh. "I'm rebuilding, Nari."
"And you're using everything I've said to do it," I pointed out.
"No." He reached up to clasp my arm. "I tempted you to say what I needed. You are my Voice. You are my temptation, and I mean that as more than merely what I desire. I need you, and you will be my greatest tool."
"And them?" I asked. "Zeal, those two are just girls! They aren't the ones you should be tempting."
"That's where we disagree," he said softly. "They've spent their lives chafing against the rules. Yamina does it loudly, but Maela? She thinks. Her mind whirls, and she's not nearly as timid as she pretends. She's simply learned enough compassion to accept that most ladies around her would be horrified at her ideas - so she keeps them to herself. You? You speak her words out loud, giving her proof that she's not insane."
"Am I honestly friends with her?" I asked. "Or is this merely some idea you've put in my head?"
"You are," he promised. "I promise I've done nothing but nudge a few nearly-forgotten memories. Things like the history of the barons, which allowed you to start this talk. Now, it's in the open, and that woman is motivated."
"Her husband is cheating on her," I said, dropping that out there.
Zeal moved a little closer. "He is. He also has a bastard on the way. It's a daughter, so no threat to the inheritance. He lays with the woman, though, because he refuses to lay with a man. The Ranndors are mine. I chose them because of their sexuality and drive. The same traits you love in Talin, not the distorted version Tath is so proud of. And Maela? She's stronger than she knows."
"Yamina should've been a priestess," I told him.
"No," he said. "I have plans for that one. My temple is not it."
I just sighed. "How am I supposed to help you if you don't tell me what you're doing?"
"You're helping," he promised.
I just paused. "Is this my Path? To be your voice and to seduce the world back to you?"
"Is that what you want it to be?" he countered. "Because it's your Path, Nari. It's not mine. Be the priestess you think you should be."
I caught his lace-covered hand under mine. "The strange truth is that I like it. I like having the knowledge I need nudged where I can use it. I like feeling as if I can ease them into our faith. I honestly want to make people believe in you, Zeal. I do, and I know how amazing you are, so it's nice to be able to share that. I just don't see that going anywhere."
"You just have to start small," he said. "Then you grow. No one steps out of the Choosing Rooms as an adept. Not even my Chosen."
Chapter 53
Shalsa and Irila came over for dinner that night, but I couldn't quite convince myself to just blurt out my questions over the meal. It felt too desperate. Too insecure, and that didn't sit right with me. I knew Wraythe wanted me to ask for guidance, but what kind of guiding could my mentor really do? Tell me not to kill anyone? I already knew that part.
But when he stood to clear the plates, Wraythe decided he was done waiting. "Shalsa?" he asked. "While we do love your company, I actually wanted you to come to talk to Eladehl about the art of giving pain as pleasure."
She leaned back in her chair. "I was wondering what the occasion was," she admitted, glancing back to catch Irila's eyes.
"Yeah," Irila said. "Which means that you and I, Wraythe, need to stop in the dining hall for a drink."
"Yeah, but..."
Irila shook her head. "Trust me, this is easier for them if we aren't here. I'm sure you also have your own questions. Bring those and we can get them out of the way."
The big guy's shoulders slumped a bit, but he obeyed. For a moment, I felt bad. Right up until the door closed behind them and Shalsa gestured for me to follow her to the couches. She naturally claimed the only single chair.
"So," she said, "when did this happen?"
"Last night. Nari told me to have fun for her, and a man named Cayden invited me to celebrate with him."