He nodded. "Both of them, actually. Yamina because she needs to be encouraged, not dissuaded. Maela? If she believes, she'll teach her son to do the same. If she realizes that I'm nothing to fear - simply to respect - then the Ranndor family will come back to the fold, and once I have their support again, I will be even more powerful."
"But what about Tath?"
He shrugged. "The man is a self-centered fool who thinks he should be worshipped in my place. He and the High Priest are of a like mind. They enjoy the power that comes with their position and want nothing to do with the responsibilities. You will need to break him, Nari. I'm not sure how yet, but I have a feeling it's going to happen."
"He's thebaron, Zeal. I have no power over him."
"Didn't Yamina's lecture this morning sink in?" he asked. "Of course you have power. Seduction, rejection, rage, and shame. All of those are forms of power. I chose you because I can only whisper temptations into people's minds. I do not make them all, and I have no control over these people. I simply handle the cost of giving in. Once, I could do more, but not yet, so Ineedyou to act in my stead. I need you to embrace the power I've given you and to use it however you think is best." He leaned a little closer. "And introducing Maela to Eladehl is a brilliant idea. It also means that for your next visit, the four of you will be in Sandrest together."
"You sure you don't want to become a Priest of the Body for her?" I teased, gesturing that he should take us to intercept them.
"Laying with a god is nothing like laying with a man. There's a reason we rarely do it. I'm afraid I would break her mind and body." He stole a kiss against the edge of my ear. "Besides, why would I waste my time seducing her when she's not what tempts me?"
And then we were too close for me to answer. "You haven't fallen yet," Yamina teased. "Zee, you're supposed to let her fall at least once, and then topple down with her."
"Yeah?" he asked. "I'll make you fall, missy. Talin, woman on your other arm."
He pushed me that way, trusting my guardian to catch me, and then took off after Yamina. The girl knew how to skate, but it appeared the god did as well. Laughing, the pair raced around the pond once, cutting through the inside to make a spectacle of themselves. Beside me, Talin groaned.
"I can't believe he's encouraging her," he grumbled.
"Maybe that should tell you something," I pointed out. "Or do you need to loosen your ascot a little because you can't breathe with it tied so stiffly?"
Maela giggled. "I think she has your number, Talin."
"Oh, she does," he promised. "I have a feeling she's also right. Our friend is a good man who knows a few things."
"He's also handsome," Maela whispered, leaning forward to catch my eye. "Are all the priests in the temple as beautiful?"
"Close," I assured her. "Zeal does pick the best-looking for his service."
And right on cue, Yamina and Zeal skidded to a stop beside us. Smiling gallantly, Zeal bowed low as he offered the newest Lady Ranndor his hand. "If you'd allow, my lady, I'd love to show you something a little more exciting than this sedate pace." And he winked. "It's not even scandalous because everyone out here can see the lace on my fingers."
"You should be wearing gloves," she chided.
"Oh, but my fingers would be much warmer on your waist. Come, let me show you how to balance in these turns. I give you my word that I will not let your rump hit the ice."
"Or her face," Talin warned.
"Or that," Zeal agreed. "Not even her hands or knees. I give you my word that I will pretend to be perfectly respectable for the next hour at least. And you, Nariana, should fall down at least once. I suggest you take Talin with you."
Unable to help herself, Yamina reached out and pushed her brother's shoulder. Hard. I had enough time to see the devious glint in Zeal's eyes before I was going down, only to land flat across Talin's chest. We were both laughing too hard to be mad.
"I think he's got his claws in your sister," I teased.
Talin just nodded. "I think he has for a very long time. Ah, she would've made a perfect priestess. Let's catch back up to them."
"No," I said, shifting to my rump so he could get up. "Let's convince Yamina to leave them alone. Our friend is here on business, Talin, and I really do want to see what is so captivating about moving in slow circles while freezing."
"Then I guess that means I get to teach you to skate." Disgustingly agile, he hopped to his feet, braced his skates, and offered me a hand. "Next time, I get to be on top."
"Yes, dear," I said, finally understanding why the ladies loved this so much. There was a certain appeal to having a man throw me around.
Chapter 52
We only lasted an hour on the ice before my fingers were numb. Maela's cheeks were so very pink, and Yamina's nose had started running. Talin and Zeal helped all of us back to remove our skates, and then Maela looked up at Zeal.