‘Withhold that sentiment, Lord. There are not two factions to this religious war. There are three.’

‘I don’t understand.’

‘I have looked well upon the Legion’s banner,’ she said, ‘and see it as a sign. For all his foolishness, when Hunn Raal urged me to flee to you, Lord, well, I now believe some other force was speaking through him. You look upon me but do not question my transformation. Why?’

She saw his discomfort at her question. ‘High Priestess, I have no understanding of the ways of sorcery. The change I see I took to mark Mother Dark’s rejection of you.’

‘Nothing of what you see, Lord, was by her hand. I bear the Azathanai’s gift.’

‘And what is the nature of this gift?’

‘Lord, I wish I knew.’

‘Yet you proclaim yourself to be standing in opposition to Mother Dark.’

‘Perhaps, as the right hand opposes the left.’

‘And the river god?’

‘That god’s place in all of this remains to be determined, Lord. Best await a decree from Mother Sheccanto and Father Skelenal.’

‘It was my thought to send an emissary to them,’ Urusander said, one hand now upon the tabletop, fingers slowly drumming. He looked up at her. ‘I intend to disavow my Legion from the acts of the renegades. Indeed, I intend to outlaw them and set a bounty upon their capture.’

‘It is no wonder Hunn Raal is not here.’

‘You were the last to speak to him, High Priestess. What were his plans?’

‘His plans? In disarray, I believe. That said, he cannot but view as threatening certain rogue elements beyond the highborn and their Houseblades. It is my thought that he has travelled to the Hust Legion, seeking overtures.’

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‘Withhold that sentiment, Lord. There are not two factions to this religious war. There are three.’

‘I don’t understand.’

‘I have looked well upon the Legion’s banner,’ she said, ‘and see it as a sign. For all his foolishness, when Hunn Raal urged me to flee to you, Lord, well, I now believe some other force was speaking through him. You look upon me but do not question my transformation. Why?’

She saw his discomfort at her question. ‘High Priestess, I have no understanding of the ways of sorcery. The change I see I took to mark Mother Dark’s rejection of you.’

‘Nothing of what you see, Lord, was by her hand. I bear the Azathanai’s gift.’

‘And what is the nature of this gift?’

‘Lord, I wish I knew.’

‘Yet you proclaim yourself to be standing in opposition to Mother Dark.’

‘Perhaps, as the right hand opposes the left.’

‘And the river god?’

‘That god’s place in all of this remains to be determined, Lord. Best await a decree from Mother Sheccanto and Father Skelenal.’

‘It was my thought to send an emissary to them,’ Urusander said, one hand now upon the tabletop, fingers slowly drumming. He looked up at her. ‘I intend to disavow my Legion from the acts of the renegades. Indeed, I intend to outlaw them and set a bounty upon their capture.’

‘It is no wonder Hunn Raal is not here.’

‘You were the last to speak to him, High Priestess. What were his plans?’

‘His plans? In disarray, I believe. That said, he cannot but view as threatening certain rogue elements beyond the highborn and their Houseblades. It is my thought that he has travelled to the Hust Legion, seeking overtures.’

Urusander grunted. ‘Toras Redone is likely to arrest him on the spot. Even execute him.’

‘Hunn Raal’s courage is beyond question, Lord, and in his defence, he does believe that he acts in the best interest of Kurald Galain. He truly yearns to see you upon the throne beside Mother Dark’s own.’

‘I will bring him to heel, High Priestess, assuming he survives to return to me.’

There was iron in that promise. ‘Lord, I have need of a place for contemplation. This transformation in me is deeper than the skin I now wear. Vanity palls. So too secular ambition. When facing my sister High Priestess, I fear that I became her twisted reflection. There was poison in my heart, and I will not flinch from that truth.’

He rose from the chair. ‘This talk of sorcery makes me uneasy. You have my keep, High Priestess. I will go now to my command tent in the Legion camp.’

‘I understand that Lieutenant Serap is here. She will know more of Hunn Raal’s plans.’

‘She states otherwise.’

‘Do you believe her?’

His gaze narrowed. ‘I begin to wonder whom to believe, High Priestess. Advisers seem to breed like vermin around me, and the more there are the fewer I trust.’

She bowed. ‘I will remain in the keep, Lord, and not seek you out.’

Urusander’s smile was ironic, but he left without another word. It was some time before she understood, and could give words to his expression. ‘ Why did you not make that vow in Kharkanas a week past? ’ In courtesy, he had not uttered this question, but she knew now that such courtesy was more than she deserved.

Few shadows in the room, and darkness humbled and cowering wherever it could — these details whispered like blessings through her thoughts. He gave her his keep, but said nothing of sanctuary. She wondered if enemies were seeking her, hunting her. In matters of trust, she was no different from Urusander himself.

Perhaps this is what can bind the two of us.

Would that Osserc were here. She had heard that he was a fine-looking man, possessing a wealth of appetites yet purportedly weak in spirit. A useful combination, all things considered.

Syntara had begged time and place for contemplation, and this sentiment was humble in its veracity. She still struggled to abjure the influence of old hatreds and spites, but her own thoughts, when speaking with Urusander, returned to her again and again. Dark and Light… as the right hand opposes the left.

Urusander, I begin to see a way to draw those hands together, to clasp in union and so find strength in balance. And no, we need not speak of love, only necessity. Something I think you understand. We shall make you Father Light, whether you welcome the title or not.

She had promised that she would not seek him out. She could hold to that promise, for now. Three religions in conflict was an untenable situation. The river god and its followers would have to be expelled, perhaps sent beyond the borders of Kurald Galain. This could be done with little or no bloodshed. It was said that Dorssan Ryl flowed south across vast, empty lands before issuing its black waters into a distant sea. Not quite empty, perhaps, but then, the Forulkan were hardly in a position to argue at a sudden invasion of refugees. The Legion had turned half their settlements into burnt-out graveyards, and had driven the rest to the edge of that distant sea.