‘You cannot have that. She is but your reflection. An imperfect one to be sure, but even then you fare the better between you. No, Syntara, you will be as equals, yet need share nothing but your titles.’

‘Then I shall proclaim Urusander as Father Light,’ said Syntara, her hand still upon his cheek. ‘And the light within me shall be my gift to him.’

‘If you can give it.’

‘I can, Hunn Raal.’

He was still holding the jug. ‘Now then, High Priestess, do we fuck or do we drink?’

‘Which do you prefer?’

A dangerous question that he shrugged off. ‘Either is fine with me.’

To his surprise she stepped away, and her stride was suddenly steady. ‘There is not time for either, Hunn Raal,’ she said, her words sharp. ‘I must gather my followers and we will need an escort from the city. Best we do this without fanfare — I shall cloak myself and remain unseen. My return to Kharkanas shall be in triumph.’

‘Of course,’ he said, setting the jug back down on the table, feeling a fool for having been so easily played. ‘I think I underestimated you, High Priestess.’

‘Many do,’ she replied. ‘And you — you must send word to your people, wherever they happen to be hiding in the countryside.’ Seeing the alarm on his face her smile grew cruel. ‘Yes, I know that you are ready to pounce. But they must wait — your enemy is no longer the highborn. Nor the sons and daughters of Mother Dark. Not even Draconus — not yet, in any case. Why so troubled, captain?’

‘I fear that it may already be too late.’

‘Then sober up, you fool, and make sure that it isn’t!’

The troop of riders came upon the train, meeting at a sharp bend in the road. There had been little sound to betray them, despite the high cliff walls to either side. Orfantal saw, just past the strangers, the road opening out, sunken flats flanking the raised track: the signs of an old, extinct lake.

Haral was quick to draw up, and he twisted in the saddle and with a shout commanded the wagons to one side, to let the riders past.

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‘You cannot have that. She is but your reflection. An imperfect one to be sure, but even then you fare the better between you. No, Syntara, you will be as equals, yet need share nothing but your titles.’

‘Then I shall proclaim Urusander as Father Light,’ said Syntara, her hand still upon his cheek. ‘And the light within me shall be my gift to him.’

‘If you can give it.’

‘I can, Hunn Raal.’

He was still holding the jug. ‘Now then, High Priestess, do we fuck or do we drink?’

‘Which do you prefer?’

A dangerous question that he shrugged off. ‘Either is fine with me.’

To his surprise she stepped away, and her stride was suddenly steady. ‘There is not time for either, Hunn Raal,’ she said, her words sharp. ‘I must gather my followers and we will need an escort from the city. Best we do this without fanfare — I shall cloak myself and remain unseen. My return to Kharkanas shall be in triumph.’

‘Of course,’ he said, setting the jug back down on the table, feeling a fool for having been so easily played. ‘I think I underestimated you, High Priestess.’

‘Many do,’ she replied. ‘And you — you must send word to your people, wherever they happen to be hiding in the countryside.’ Seeing the alarm on his face her smile grew cruel. ‘Yes, I know that you are ready to pounce. But they must wait — your enemy is no longer the highborn. Nor the sons and daughters of Mother Dark. Not even Draconus — not yet, in any case. Why so troubled, captain?’

‘I fear that it may already be too late.’

‘Then sober up, you fool, and make sure that it isn’t!’

The troop of riders came upon the train, meeting at a sharp bend in the road. There had been little sound to betray them, despite the high cliff walls to either side. Orfantal saw, just past the strangers, the road opening out, sunken flats flanking the raised track: the signs of an old, extinct lake.

Haral was quick to draw up, and he twisted in the saddle and with a shout commanded the wagons to one side, to let the riders past.

Orfantal looked upon those unknown faces. He counted eleven men and women, all well armed and bearing none of the ragtag equipment he would have expected among bandits. Nor did the strangers accost them, but Orfantal felt their sharp eyes gauging the caravan and its handful of guards. Beside him Gripp was silent, head lowered as if in deference.

A few, Orfantal saw as they plodded past, wore the colours of Urusander’s Legion, charcoal grey half-capes piped in gold, the high leather knee-guards that so faithfully copied Urusander’s own armour. He knew this from his grandfather’s kit, which he had examined countless times. Others seemed to be carrying the same gear, but rolled up and tied to the backs of their saddles.

‘Hunting bandits?’ Orfantal asked Gripp after the last rider had trotted past. ‘There were Legion-’

‘Quiet, boy!’ rasped Gripp, and Orfantal saw how pale the old man was, his mouth pinched, the lips dry. He was staring ahead to Haral, awaiting the command to resume. ‘Send us on, damn you!’ he said in a hiss.

Orfantal twisted on his saddle to look back at the strangers.

‘Turn round!’ Gripp snapped. ‘Now, let’s go. Ride on, boy, ride on. Eyes forward!’

‘What’s wrong?’

Ahead, Haral had swung his mount round, watching the wagons rock back on to the centre of the road.

Orfantal could see Gripp’s watery eyes fixed on Haral’s, as if seeking a sign.

It came when Haral frowned, and then straightened in his saddle. A moment later he half rose on the stirrups, confusion writ plain on his features.

‘That’s it, then,’ growled Gripp. He pulled his mount close alongside Orfantal’s. ‘Listen to me. They’re coming back.’

‘What? Why?’

‘Because they shouldn’t be here, that’s why. At least three of them were from a disbanded unit.’


‘Ride ahead, Orfantal — and once you’re on the straight, kick that hag of yours into a gallop and don’t look back. No more questions!’ he added as horse hoofs sounded behind them, fast approaching. ‘Go, son, ride.’ And he slapped the hag’s rump, jolting the beast forward into a startled canter. The motion almost unseated Orfantal and he gripped hard the reins, which only slowed the beast.

‘Kick her on!’ Gripp shouted, and there was the sound of swords being drawn.

Punching the flanks with his heels, Orfantal pushed his mount back into a canter, and then a heavy gallop. Disorientated, he rocked in the saddle. He heard harsh shouts behind him. Someone screamed like a dying pig.