Page 13 of Tricking Mr. Scott


“Inever should have come here,” I mumble to myself as I walk past a rousing game of beer pong on the back patio, heading toward the pool.

It’s clear that Peter only asked me to this party for bragging rights. After parading me around the party, he disappeared into the crowd to “get me something to drink.” That was over an hour ago.

It seems I don’t have the best luck with men. First Chad, and then Professor Scott, the beginning of what seems to be a line of men that use me for whatever reason before tossing me to the side. At least Chad was a gentleman about it, but Wylder Scott is another story. He didn't just toss me to the side. He broke me.

I’ve worked my ass off for him over the last week, trying to show him that I’m a damn good teaching assistant. I don’tneedanything from him, but what I didwantwas his heart. Too bad he doesn’t have one.

It was delusional of me to believe that he’d suddenly wake up one morning and decide we’d be together. Although we’ve both made mistakes, we could have worked through them and lived happily ever after.

“This isn’t a fairy tale, Blaire,” I grumble to myself.

Too bad my heart didn’t get the memo.

“Watch out!” someone shouts from behind me.

I barely have time to register what is happening before I pitch forward, right into the pool. Every muscle in my body freezes as paralyzing fear overcomes me. I sink to the bottom, kicking and waving my arms through the water, trying desperately to pull myself toward the surface. My lungs burn from lack of air as powerful arms wrap around my waist, pulling me upward, and I breach the surface in a gasp.

“You could’ve fucking drowned.” Wylder’s voice breaks through the fog clouding my brain as he pulls me toward the stairs.

No, that can’t be right.

“I can’t swim.” My throat burns as I cough water from my lungs, my vision blurred to everything but Wylder.

He’s here, but why?

My mind races through all the possibilities, but I come up empty. There’s no reason for him to be at a frat party on the other side of campus. But that tiny voice inside is screaming, giving me hope that he came here for me.

He made no secret of his dissatisfaction with me coming to this party, especially with another man.

Did he follow me here?

Alarm bells should be ringing in my head, warning me to stay as far away from Wylder Scott as possible. But instead of fear, there’s nothing but need. The need to have him closer to me, to beg him to make me his for a second time.

I brush the hair from his face, and his eyes slip closed, nuzzling into my palm. His eyes never leave mine, conveying so much emotion that I have trouble breathing.

“I need to get you dry before you catch a cold,” he mumbles, shoving his arms beneath my legs and lifting me into the air.

I snuggle into his chest, accepting warmth through his body as a shiver of anticipation runs through me.

This is where I belong. In Wylder’s arms. I tried to forget my feelings for him and move on, but that wasn’t possible. His name is etched on my soul, branding me as his for all eternity. My eyes slide shut, and everything else is a blur except the sound of his breathing until the slam of a door startles me.

“Where are we—” I only get out part of my question before he pins me to the door with his body, his hands clawing at the hem of my dress as he slides up my legs.

His teeth rake down the side of my neck before he plants a gentle kiss behind my ear.

“What were you thinking?” he rasps as he nibbles across my exposed collarbone.

I should push him away and ask one of the million questions running through my mind, but I can’t. I lose myself in the feeling of his body pressing against me, something I never thought I'd experience again in this lifetime, or even the next.

“I’m sorry, Blaire.” His hand caresses my cheek, lifting my chin. “I shouldn’t have demanded you not to come here. But you need to understand something.”

“What?” I whisper, my heart fluttering in anticipation.

“You’re mine.” He presses his lips against mine, almost in reverence, before leaning back and staring into my eyes. “Can you forgive me for being such a fool?”
