Rayne must have understood most of what Onyx said, because he looks annoyed. “I’m not soft. I’m just different from the two of you. I spent a lot of my life alone, hiding, and knew ways to go unnoticed. I know that I might not be able to fight the shadow beasts or the king, but I think I can stay unseen.”

“And what if you can’t?” I ask.

The fae gives a sharp nod. “I can.”

Onyx signs angrily. “We’re just going to lose him too. This needs to be planned out better. We need to be able to shadow him. There’s no reason for us to stay here without Ann. One more day, that’s all we need.”

“I can’t give you one more day,” Rayne says softly, signing as he does. “One more day might be too late, for Ann, and for this world. We certainly can’t fight them off if they attack again tonight, and I’m not willing to gamble any longer on Ann’s life.” He draws himself up taller. “When I said I was going today, I meant it. I’m not asking for permission, I’m telling you.”

Onyx and I exchange a look. This is the kind of stuff that Phantom usually handles. The kind of stuff I handle wrong. But from the expression on Onyx’s face, he’s thinking the same thing I am… that we just have to let Rayne do this.

“Alright,” I tell him. “But give us a few minutes to at least prepare you the most we can.”

He agrees, and so that’s what we do. Onyx works on a map. I explain to Rayne about our world, the creatures, the plants, and how to find our castle. He asks questions about where to find our father, the best places to hide Adrik’s body when he becomes a ghost once more, and I do my best to explain things clearly to him. Even though I’m still not sure this is a good idea.

And then, that’s all there is to say.

Onyx hands Rayne his map and Rayne holds it up in the tight roll, his expressions a bit lost for the briefest moment. Like he doesn’t know what to say or do. Or maybe it’s something more than that.

I look at both of them, and the words slip out, even though I wish I held them back. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Wants don’t matter so much right now, but if he changed his mind, I won’t blame him. But we all know Rayne isn’t about to change his mind. Ann is in there and he’s going to get her back or die trying. And that’s the part that worries me. But I don’t say it.

“It’s the best option we have”

He’s right. I know it. But the apprehension in my gut is churning into a frenzy and bile rises in my throat. I swallow it back down, but the worry remains. Rayne is a good man, and while I’d risk my life for anyone I care for, I hate the idea of him risking his life for us.

But it’s not just for us, it’s for Ann.

Onyx reaches to hug him first and they hang on for an extra second, which is strangely nice to see. We have a bond, thanks to Ann. Thanks to all we’ve been through together.

When they part, I pull Rayne in for my own hug. “Protect yourself.” He nods. “And her.”

He smiles like he doesn’t fear anything. “Always.” He unrolls the map, glances down at it, then back at us before he salutes us. We salute him back, even though it feels silly, and then he turns and heads out of the cave, in the direction of the Void.

I swear neither Onyx nor I breathe until he’s out of sight, but then my breath comes out in a rush. The Void was our home. Now, it’s only a place of nightmares with death lurking around every corner. I still miss my home, but I don’t envy Rayne right now.

Onyx stares at me for a second then signs, “You think he has a chance?”

I don’t answer, because the answer wouldn’t comfort either of us. But no, I don’t think he has much of a chance at all.



I’ve come to accept the only way I’m leaving this room is through that door, theonlydoor out in my pretty cell. The window is pretty much certain death, so I sit on the edge of the bed, willing Phantom to return, no matter how much seeing him will tear out my heart. Because at this point just about anything is better than continuing to sit here like some damsel in distress.

Come on door, open… open.

When I hear scraping outside my door, and it suddenly opens, I jump a little, heart hammering. For a brief moment I think my mind opened the damn thing, and then Phantom steps out of the darkness and into my room with all the grace of a king. He’s wearing dark clothes, so much like his father’s that it makes my stomach twist just to see. The only difference between him and his father is that rather than wearing a cloak, Phantom wears black fur on his shoulders and over part of his chest, reminding me of human Vikings from so long ago rather than these mystical shadow beasts. And I hate, absolutely hate, that he still looks so damned handsome, even while humming with his father’s evil control.

It makes me sad, so much so I don’t know if I can hide the way I feel even though I know I need to. Because one thing is for sure, I don’t want him to see how I feel or how he affects me. I don’t trust him. And it feels like any information, even my feelings, is information I don’t want him to have.

His deep green eyes run over me from head to toe in a way that feels strangely possessive. “I see you found the dresses.”

“I did, although I’d prefer my old clothes,” I tell him, drawing myself up taller.

The thing is, after living in the woods for this long, my bar for what makes a decent outfit is pretty low. Anything clean seems to be good enough. Still, this dress is kind of ridiculous. It’s long and simple, bright green and nearly the same color as Phantom’s eyes, yet strangely form fitting until it flairs at my hips. So, basically, a pretty dress I can’t easily fight in… or run in. And these shadow beasts seem to do enough of both that dresses seem like a waste of fabric.