And then, the troll races forward, disappearing into the night.
I should run. I should escape while I have the chance. But for some reason, I stay rooted in place. A little voice whispers in the back of my thoughts that I can’t just leave Onyx like this.
The log is suddenly shoved off of him. He manages to get it onto the ground beside him, but he barely moves. He just lies in place, and all I can hear is the sound of his uneven breathing.
Help him, the voice whispers again, and I want to obey.
Which is stupid. But even still, I rush back to him.
I kneel beside him, and see that his eyes are squeezed shut, and he’s most definitely breathing unevenly. There’s no blood, except for the black troll blood that covers him. Nothing immediately off. But I don’t believe for a second he’d be lying here if something isn’t terribly wrong.
Just the thought of his internal injuries from that log has my stomach turning.Try to heal him. You did it once, you can do it again.I bit my lip, and hope that when I hold my hands out, they glow.
For a second, I’m just a fool holding out her hands while a man dies in front of me. But then, they surprise me by slowly glowing until they’re as bright as they were last time.
Swallowing hard, I lay my hands on Onyx... and hope.