In a serious tone Jerry said, “I might just do that. Now if you don’t mind, I have things to do tonight.”

“Just an excuse for you not to go to the gym,” Clark said.

No. Just one to get off the phone with you.

“I’ve already worked out,” he said. It wasn’t the gym, but it was one fucking awesome workout. “If you want to meet for a beer, I’m game.” He wanted to hear more about what Clark thought was going on with his business. Clark might not want his help, but he might need it.

“How about I meet you at O’Keefe’s at nine?”

“I’ll be there,” he said before ending the call.

Jerry had no idea what his mother was up to this time, but there had to be something. All he could do was hope it didn’t involve him. He had too much going on to worry about his mother’s agenda for him too.

Before he even had a chance to turn on his laptop and actually begin doing something constructive with his time, his cell phone was buzzing. He almost hit ignore, but it was Reanna. Although he wanted to talk to her, he’d finally just stopped thinking of her.

“Hello, how’s everything?” he asked.

“I’m…good I think. Not really sure.”

That didn’t sound like her. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“It’s my sister. I’ve called her several times and she never answers. It’s not like her,” Reanna said.

Sounded exactly like the girl he’d met at Shanda’s. Brenda didn’t seem to be the mature, responsible one. “I thought you said you had just dropped her off at the airport yesterday morning?”

“I did, and I spoke to her when she landed too. But she said she’d call me today, and she hasn’t. So I’ve been calling her, and she won’t pick up. I’m…worried.”

“Do you think something happened to her?” he asked. Normally not a question he’d ask, but she was a cop. For her to be calling now, it meant that had already crossed her mind.

“Jerry, I really don’t know. She’s never been this far away that I can’t go and check up on her. But it’s not like I can just fly out there and then fly back. I have to work the night shift tomorrow. Of course I could ask for time off.”

“Or we could fly out there tonight, and back tomorrow. It’ll be close with the time difference, but I think it’s doable,” he said.

“I already checked. No flights will work. The next one leaving Rhode Island for California is early tomorrow morning.”

“The Heart Jet leaves when we tell it. Can you be ready and at the Providence airport in an hour?” he asked. It was dead air on the other end of the line. “Reanna, I’ll take you if you want to go.”

“Why?” she asked softly.

“Probably the same reason why you called me,” he said.

“Don’t you have to work in the morning?” she said.

“I run my own business. And I can run it from anywhere.” Even the sky.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, we could get there and find out she’s fine and nothing is wrong,” Reanna said. “Then I’ll have wasted your time.”

“I don’t consider helping a friend a waste. I’m sure she is okay, but there is nothing wrong with confirming that,” he said. “All you have to do is say yes and I’ll take care of the rest.”

A few seconds later she replied, “Yes. Thank you, Jerry. I really don’t know how I’ll ever make it up to you.”

There were plenty of suggestions he could come up with, but right now he knew she was worried about Brenda. “It’s no problem. I’ll see you at the airport.”

When they ended the call, he had a few more to make. First, get the jet fueled and ready to leave Boston airport to pick up Reanna. That was the easy part. The pilot got paid well to be ready to fly at a moment’s notice. The next call wasn’t so easy.

“Change of plans,” Jerry said.

“Not meeting at O’Keefe’s?” Clark asked.