“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Nothing, why?” he asked.

“Since you hadn’t ordered yet, I figured you were in the great debate.”

He raised a brow. “And which great debate is that?”

“Which flavor ice cream of course,” she giggled. “By the way, you can’t ever go wrong with chocolate. I swear chocolate is the perfect food.”

“Chocolate is not a food,” he corrected.

Reanna sat up on the bed and asked, “Are we going to have our first fight? Because trust me, I’m not backing down from this one.”

Jerry leaned over and kissed one of her nipples. “Whatever we are arguing about, you win.” His phone slipped from his hand and onto the floor as he reached up and cupped the other breast.

Reanna arched her back and moaned. “We can order out later.”

You’re all I need for dessert.