“Reanna, I’d love that but I have so much packing to do. You’re welcome to come and sit on the bed while I sort through what I want to bring and what I’m leaving here. You know, for when I come back and visit,” she said.

“You better.”

“Let’s get inside before it gets any later. I really should’ve done this while waiting up for you. While I’m confessing things to you, I might as well add this.” As they walked into the house Brenda said, “It wasn’t a blind date. It was just dinner.”


“It wasn’t a date. Shanda said she wanted to talk to me about something and that Jerry would be there too, because Kenneth wanted to speak to him as well. So see, it wasn’t a date,” she admitted.

Reanna let out a heavy sigh. “If you weren’t leaving in the morning, I think I’d wring your neck. Why the hell did you tell me it was a date?” she asked.

“Because I didn’t think you’d go if I didn’t. And I needed you out of the house while I was on the phone. I know you would mean well, but I didn’t want you asking questions during the interview. Believe it or not, this is the job I want to do.”

“Am I really that tough?” Reanna asked.

Bobby chimed in. “Yes.”

She shot him a warning look as they passed by, then stopped and said, “It’s been a week. You must be getting ready to head back home now right?” Please say yes.

“Actually, I need one more week,” he said.

Damn it. This night sucks.She was too tired and too stressed over Brenda’s news to argue with Bobby. Instead she followed Brenda up the stairs and closed the door behind her when she entered Brenda’s room.

“Reanna, I think you and Bobby should talk.”

“Ha. I think he should find another place to stay. Maybe you can talk him into going to California with you,” she chuckled.

“Sorry. Ticket is for one. Now, let’s go through my closet. I have a few dresses that you might be interested in,” Brenda said.

“I have clothes, thank you.”

Brenda ran her eyes over Reanna and asked, “But how many dresses that look like that one?”

“None, but I only need one smoking-hot dress.”

“Only when you aren’t going to see him again. And trust me, you will. He’ll call you Reanna, and you better not turn him down.”

“What are you talking about? He’s not going to call. It was just dinner and—”

“A kiss. But that’s not what Shanda said. She said he couldn’t take his eyes off you all through dinner. That man is calling you. And if he doesn’t, I’ll quit my job and come back to live with you until I’m one hundred.”

“Now I’m not sure if I want him to call me or not?”

“You really want me here that bad?”

Reanna laughed. “Not till you’re one hundred.”

“I know. You’d like to think one of us will get married and have children someday. But you’re older, so I’m putting my money on you. Besides, you’re more the mommy type than me.”

“If you don’t like children, maybe you’re not taking the right job,” Reanna warned.

“It’s not that I don’t like them. Actually, I love them. But I also like my night life. Something you don’t have.” She tossed Reanna a little black dress and said, “But wear this next time with Jerry and that might change.

Reanna held it up and said, “This looks more like a tank top than a dress.”

“Live a bit, will you? Show off that body of yours and who knows? You might not come home alone.”

“There is more to life than sex Brenda,” she stated firmly.