“You’re telling me that you know she is in trouble and you’re not going to help her?” Billy asked.

“I’m not in the saving business Billy,” Kenneth said firmly. “Besides, what do I know about glass blowing?” Unfortunately, more than I care to now.

“I’m sure she’d be happy to teach you,” Billy said.

There was something he was missing. It was out of character for Billy to push like this. “What’s really going on Billy? Do you…like her or something?”

“Hell no! I’m married, remember?”

“From the sounds of it, I wasn’t sure if you did.”

“Trust me. There is no other woman for me besides Krissy,” Billy responded in a serious tone.

“So why are you so interested in Home Blown then?”

“You said it yourself. Her shop is in serious trouble and—”

“You thought I would help her?” Kenneth interjected.

Once again, Billy laughed. “Hell no. That’s not your style. But somehow, my wife thought you would. She said you’re not the…hard-ass you pretend to be.”

This time it was Kenneth who laughed. “Hope you told her how wrong she was.”

“I tried. She won’t believe me. Actually, she was the one who suggested I send you to Home Blown. Krissy and Shanda really hit it off.”

If Kenneth wasn’t pissed before, he was now. “Are you telling me you sent me out there because your wife feels bad for Shanda? What the fuck, Billy? I don’t have time for this type of bullshit.”

“I know.”

“So why did you go along with it?” He really wanted to hear what lame excuse Billy was going to have this time.

“I made the mistake of telling Krissy if anyone could save Home Blown it would be you. She said I was overly confident in your abilities. And she bet me that I was wrong. It was a very…enticing bet, if you know what I mean,” Billy said.

Oh, enticing.Instantly he thought of Shanda. Usually he could walk away and not give a woman a second thought. Why wasn’t that the case with her? It was all the more reason not to give in to the challenge and help her. He knew it would be more complicated than it was worth.

“Sorry to inform you, but you lost the bet.”

“Damn it. Sure you don’t want to reconsider as a favor to me?” he pleaded.

“You couldn’t even pay me to do it,” Kenneth stated. He wanted nothing more to do with Home Blown or Shanda. “And do me a favor. Tell that wife of yours to find a different hobby. I don’t mix business with pleasure,” he warned. And for Kenneth, today was neither.

“I’ll pass it along, but when she gets something in her mind, she doesn’t give up. Hell, that’s how I got married.” He heard Billy sigh. “I guess I’ll be washing dishes for a month. Thanks Kenneth. I owe you one,” Billy said as he ended the call.

He had a strange feeling that this wasn’t over. Krissy was outspoken and had no problem saying what she felt. He just wished she’d have spoken to him, instead of manipulating the situation and sending him to Hope Valley for nothing.

Kenneth knew he could help Home Blown, but why should he? Did Shanda ask for his help? No. Did she in any way hint that she wanted it? Not in so many words. But it was obvious from watching her that it felt…unnatural for her to sell. If a customer picked up on that, they either would be turned off and leave, or take advantage and score a deal in their favor, not hers.

It would’ve been so easy for Kenneth to give her some quick advice, but that wasn’t going to solve her problems. She needed a coach and that wasn’t going to be him. Not only would it take time away from what he needed to concentrate on, but she would be a bigger distraction than it was worth.

Every time Shanda spoke about a piece she created, the way she said ‘blew’ or ‘blown’ drove him crazy. Her perfect lips puckered, almost mimicking the action, and his cock had a reaction of its own. Damn, it was literally frustrating being there, but he had to admit, it was a nice change of pace from his normal business routine. It almost makes this frustration worth it.

As he stopped at a red light, he saw a long-haired blonde woman walking in his direction. She was the same height, and looked very similar to Shanda, yet…no attraction to her at all. Shanda was probably as unique as the art she created. And his gut said she was equally as fragile, too. He liked casual affairs with no strings, no attachments. Their needs were different, very different.

Sorry Shanda, but you’re going to have to find someone else to help you with what you need.Kenneth had his own needs to deal with tonight, and it had nothing to do with business. Blow. Damn it. There was no way he could see her again and not think about it. Something to think about tonight.