You’re doing a pretty damn good job.“Then maybe we can pay the bill and you can take me home.”

Kenneth raised a brow and said, “I thought you said they have the best dessert, hands down.”

“That was until I had you,” she smiled and traced her top lip with her tongue.

She heard a low growl, and then he raised his hand saying, “Check please.”

Kenneth had spentmost of the night before, but never the entire one. He had to admit, there was something nice about waking up with her in his arms.

“Finally awake sleepyhead?” she asked.

“Look who’s talking. You were out cold. I was going to go make coffee, but you were so tightly wrapped around me I thought you were a blanket,” he teased.

Shanda ran a hand up his thigh and asked, “Can your blanket do that?”

His body twitched and he said, “You’re playing with fire. If you start now, you’re not getting that breakfast I promised to cook.” She snapped her hand back and released her hold. “It doesn’t bite you know,” he teased.

“I know, but I’m starving. I hardly ate at dinner last night because I was a wreck. And that workout afterwards? Well, I’m sure we burned off an entire banana split, never mind a little sausage.”

“Hey, what do you mean little?” he asked.

She giggled. “You know darn well I’m not talking about your sausage. Definitely more of the kielbasa size,” she teased.

“I’m telling you, if you keep it up, I’ll—”

“You’ll spank me?” she said playfully.

Kenneth rolled her over and laid on top. “You are forgetting something,” he said.

“What is that?” she asked.

“It’s Saturday and we need to go to work.”

He felt her slump into the mattress. “Can’t it be Sunday?”

“Sorry. As your business coach, I’m telling you it’s time to get that sweet, beautiful ass of yours up and in the shower. And before you try to get me to join you, the answer is no. Breakfast will be ready when you come downstairs.” He claimed her lips briefly, then leaped off her. He only slipped on his boxer shorts before going down. He’d shower after her or they’d never get out of the house.

He knew she would be a while, so he started with the coffee, poured himself a cup, and went out onto the back porch. It was nice not having any neighbors close by. Still didn’t make him a country boy though.

Kenneth stood quietly and watched a few deer eating far off in the field. Shanda had told him she fed them. It would be considered illegal if there was any hunting allowed nearby. She was definitely unique and she brought out a side of him he hadn’t seen before. Quiet? To him that used to be a missed opportunity, a big deal that got pulled out from under him. But he hadn’t thought about business all night. Actually, he hadn’t even checked his cell phone. It was…nice.

But he couldn’t stay off the grid for long. Like Shanda, he had a business to run. The sharks must already be having a feast scraping up what he’d missed. At some point today, he had to put a stop to it.

Every time he and Shanda were together, work had called him away. Kenneth didn’t know how he was going to do it, but he needed to find a way to have both lives, his old one and a new one that included Shanda.

Most people would go to their parents for such advice, but Kenneth was still in shock over how smoothly things went last night. He thought for sure his mother was going to explode when DeeDee was there. But she didn’t. In fact, he still hadn’t heard from her or his brothers. Very odd, since his mother was the first to spread the latest gossip to the family. Maybe she wasn’t as happy as I thought she was. It didn’t matter. Kenneth meant what he had said. With or without his family’s approval, he wasn’t letting Shanda go. Was he ready to put a ring on that finger? No. But there wasn’t a reason to rush that. Besides, what they had right now was damn good. Better than anything I ever imagined.

He was still standing outside when he heard the screen door open behind him. “There must be something wrong with my sense of smell, because the only aroma in the house is coffee,” she teased.

Kenneth turned around, raised a finger to his lips and whispered, “I’m watching the deer.” She walked over with her mug in hand and leaned her head on his shoulder. They stayed out there for almost twenty minutes before he eventually said, “Okay, that was my stomach scaring them off. I better go cook.”

“No. You better go shower. And if you think that means you’re getting breakfast cooked for you, you’re mistaken. It’s Corn Flakes for us. Unless you changed your mind about us working today?”

He leaned over and said, “No such luck baby. We have a business to save.” Kenneth was going to do everything he could to make her dream come true. Right now loving her seemed easier than making Home Blown successful.

“I was doing some thinking last night about Home Blown,” she said.

“I must’ve been doing something wrong if you could still think about work,” he joked. She gave him a gentle slap on the arm and he said, “Sorry. What were you thinking?” Between the moans and cries of pleasure?