“She is nice. Actually, she is a master when it comes to social skills. But…”

“But what?” she asked. Kenneth usually had no problem speaking what was on his mind.

“I never brought anyone here. My friends came over, but never a woman.”

I’m the first?The tension that had begun to ease, spiked again. “Has the offer to run expired?” she half joked.

He leaned over, “Ready whenever you are.”

“I think maybe we should go inside before I chicken out. And maybe later you can think of something to help relieve all this stress running through my body.”

“Now that is something I know I can accommodate,” he said as he opened his door.

He opened her door and they walked towards the house. Kenneth didn’t normally hold her hand, but she was glad he chose to tonight. She needed something to steady her right now.

Even before they got to the front door, it opened and a woman said, “I was wondering if you two were going to spend the entire night out there.”

“Sorry Mother. We were in the middle of a conversation,” Kenneth said. “This is Shanda Morris.”

Shanda extended her hand and said, “So nice to meet you, Mrs. Heart.”

“Please call me Marcy. My husband David is on the phone, but will be joining us shortly. Why don’t we have a seat so I can get to know you better?”

They followed her inside and Shanda tried not to look around. Even the entrance was like a grand ballroom. “You have a lovely home,” Shanda said.

“Thank you. Did Kenneth tell you he grew up here?” she asked.

“Yes, he did,” Shanda replied.

As they sat down in what she thought was a living room, Marcy said, “Much different from Hope Valley?”

No comparison. “Much. I can appreciate the differences.”

“So you like country living?” Marcy asked.

“I do.” Her answers were so short, but she was afraid of saying the wrong thing. Now she was worried she was going to appear to be rude. “I also love the fact that it’s a day trip to just about anything I want to do. The mountains are just a few hours away, and if you want to attend live theatre, there are so many to choose from.”

Marcy looked in Kenneth’s direction and Shanda tried to read her expression. There was no hint as to what she might be thinking. Shanda knew if his parents didn’t like her, their chances to make it as a couple, if that was what they were, diminished.

“Since your family has been in Hope Valley for generations, I assume that is where you want to stay?” Marcy inquired.

Didn’t know you knew so much about me.“I’m comfortable there, for now.” She knew life was about change. She had no desire to relocate, at least not in the near future.

“I would think your business would do much better in a city. But then again, maybe it’s just a hobby and not something you take seriously,” Marcy stated.

Shanda sucked in her breath, wanting to correct her, but Kenneth reached over and covered her hand with his and replied, “It would lose its charm if it moved. And her beautiful artwork might also lose its luster. You actually have to go there to understand.”

Marcy looked at them both and said, “Maybe your father and I will take a drive there someday.”

Shanda hoped she would have her manager there when that happened. Or at least Kenneth, so she wasn’t caught off guard. But she knew if Marcy wanted to pay a visit, it would be as much of a surprise as her invitation for dinner.

“If you let me know when you’d like to come by, I’d love to take you out for dinner. We have a wonderful place not far. It’s by reservation only, but they cater to locals first,” she said. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Like they have any problem getting reservations. Hell, I bet they could get into the White House for dinner with the President if they wanted to.

“I’ll be sure to call first,” Marcy stated, obviously getting the hint.

It was a small victory, but she would take it. It wasn’t long before a woman entered the room and announced, “Dinner is ready.”

“Thank you. Please let Mr. Heart know we’ll be in the dining room when he’s free.”