“Just a guy who came into the shop.” That was a very simple answer. Too simple, apparently.

“You’re going out with a stranger? That’s not safe. You should take your sister and Larry with you just in case he’s some…”

“Mom, he’s not a weirdo.” I am. “And besides, he’s not a total stranger. I saw him last night at a mutual friend’s house. So there is nothing to worry about. And besides Mom, I’m old enough to go out without a chaperone, thank you.”

“Twenty-eight is also old enough to get married,” her mom grumbled. “I hope this guy is nicer than the last one.”

“Mom, there was nothing wrong with Pete. We just were different people,” she defended. It was true. Pete liked loud music and fast cars and could live watching sports. Shanda didn’t enjoy any of those things.

“And how about this one? What do you have in common with him?” she pried.

“Mom, we haven’t even been out to dinner yet. I probably won’t even see him again after tonight,” she stated, knowing that was the truth. They were from two different worlds and she had no more in common with Kenneth than she did with Pete.

“If that’s how you feel, why bother going?” DeeDee asked.

Because he has my bra!“I forgot something at the barbeque last night and he is being kind enough to drop it off to me.”

“A gentleman. Maybe you can have him bring it to you here and we can meet him at the same time,” her mom suggested.

“No!” she blurted.

Both DeeDee and her mom crossed their arms, glaring at her questioningly. Damn it. She was so close to having it brushed off. One word and it was all over.

“So you aren’t involved with him, but you’d like to be,” DeeDee said.

She shot her sister a warning look. Don’t forget sis: I know your secret. Don’t blow mine. “He’s a customer and you know Granddad’s rules. No mixing business with pleasure.”

“Which piece did he purchase?” her mom asked.

Digging this hole even deeper.“I think it was blue. Can’t remember.”

Her mom shrugged. “Well you can’t blame a mother for hoping that we could plan two weddings instead of one.”

Both ladies burst out laughing. “Wow, no pressure. Thanks Mom,” Shanda said.

When her mom went back inside, DeeDee leaned over and asked softly, “So what did you forget? Your panties?” she teased. Shanda blushed and DeeDee said, “You didn’t, did you?”

Shanda shook her head. “My bra, but it’s not what you’re thinking.”

“Well we’re not moving from this spot until you tell me every single thing about this stranger.”

Shanda didn’t need to be forced. She wanted to tell DeeDee. What was a best friend for? But she decided not to share her ‘blowing technique’ story. Although it was funny as hell, she didn’t want DeeDee to think she wasn’t capable of running Home Blown on her own. She had her sister’s love and support and wanted to keep it.

“The guy could just put your bra in the mail or drop it off at the shop. If he asked you to dinner, it’s because he wants to see you again,” DeeDee said.

“I don’t know. He doesn’t seem to be a fan of me,” she replied. There was something about the way he looked at her. It was like…he disapproved. Granted, she’d given him several reasons to, but who was he to judge?

“Shanda, sometimes men look at you funny, not because of you, but because of how they feel around you.”

She snickered. “You make no sense.”

DeeDee shrugged. “I’m older and wiser.”

“Oh God. Married a week and now you think you’re an expert on love,” she teased.

“Keep your voice down,” she warned. “You know Mom likes to sneak up on us.”

“I understood why when we were teenagers, but you’d think she’d have stopped that by now,” Shanda said, looking over her shoulder in case her mom was lurking nearby.