Page 36 of His For Five Nights

Ziva reminded Alex of Sophie. Although they were different in many ways, their selflessly kind acts touched others, even if they didn’t realize it. Everything I’ve done was for me, my own gain. This behavior has to stop. If I live... I can’t continue to be that person. Otherwise, I’m chasing money like my father. I don’t want to be anything like him. I don’t even want to be his son.

“How was that profitable for him?”

“We were able to obtain two million dollars from you for five nights with Ziva. Think about every time one of those rich men came to Tabiq. Who brought in revenue would depend on the cut. If James brought in a client, he and my father would each receive forty percent. The other twenty percent would be divided among the other partners. As you can see, it’s advantageous to be the one bringing in clients. At eight hundred thousand dollars for each transaction, one could find themselves with a lovely little nest egg for hardly any work. It might be something you consider taking over. I’m sure a man like you knows people who might be interested in what we have to offer.”

The hell I do. I don’t associate with fucking assholes like that.He tried to keep his cool. Everything was riding on her buying into this. “I know people.”

“Do you genuinely think I believe you’re interested in taking over where your father left off?” Rajani crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, staring at him.

Alex looked her straight in the eye. “I’m a Henderson. We like money. If you haven’t noticed, unlike my brothers, I don’t honestly work. I like to obtain my money in an unconventional way.” Just not the illegal shit you think I’m talking about.

She arched a brow. “So you admit you weren’t here to utilize our services?”

He needed to put some truth out there. “I told you before; I’m looking for my mother. My father told me where to look, and I have no intention of leaving until I meet her.” The only truth was he wanted to meet her. James never spoke to them unless he had to. Usually it was about how they were a disappointment and how he wished they didn’t exist. He’d never have told any of them anything personal and most definitely nothing about their mother. Or mothers. Hell, all these years we thought there was only one. Not six. I’m not sure I can deal with more surprises my father had hidden from us. They keep getting worse.

“Why would you want to meet her? She’s nothing.”

She’s my mother, you bitch.“Does it really matter why I want to meet her? Or will it cost me another million dollars to do so?”

Rajani smiled. “Now you are beginning to understand how we work here. Good. Because if you’re really interested in becoming a partner, you’ll have to prove yourself first.”

He didn’t like the sound of that. “And how exactly should I do that?”

“Kill Ziva,” Rajani said, staring him coldly in the eyes.

Like a punch in the gut, he sat straight up. “Let’s get something straight. I’m not a murderer and fail to see how killing a woman proves anything to you. However, if anything happens to Ziva, there will be no further negotiations between us. Do you understand?” Alex growled out the words.

“I don’t believe you’re in the position to make any demands, Alexander.”

“On the contrary, I’m the one who has the next generation of clients. If you want me to join as a partner, you will uphold my request.”

“You think you’re the only one with contacts?”

“Our reputation is well-known worldwide. Feel free to find someone else. If it’s money you’re after, I know where we can find it,” Alex said, never taking his eyes from hers. He could see she was torn between her greed and ceding a portion of her control.

Rajani got up from her desk and paced slowly. It was the first time she seemed off her game. It was his opportunity to go in for the kill.

“It’s time to raise the price as well. One million dollars is chump change for the people I know. I say we entice them with something more than what you’ve been able to provide.”

She spun around and met his gaze. She was assessing him. Not turning away, he waited. The ball was in her court. “And what exactly do you think that would be?”

He had her. She was interested. “Let Ziva go, and we can talk. Nothing happens till I have proof she’s returned to her town unharmed.”

Rajani glared at him. “You’re surprisingly a true Henderson. An asshole in business, just like James. But I’m like my father as well. We don’t jump at one offer without considering all options. I’ll have the guard take you to your room. Once I decide, I’ll let you know.”

Alex stood and headed to the door.

“By the way, Ziva is no longer on the premises. She hasn’t been harmed... yet.”

He didn’t like her version of harmed. Alex had felt the welts, seen the cuts. As far as he was concerned, they’d already hurt her. Then again, he knew he and Rajani didn’t see eye to eye on that.

Alex turned and shot her a warning look. “It damn well better stay that way.” He didn’t stay for her response. For once, he wanted the last word. All he could do was hope she agreed. If Ziva could get back to town, he knew Bennett would snag her, and she’d be safe. After that, Alex didn’t care what Rajani did. Kill me for all I care, but I’ll never help you. If I do anything, it’ll be to take you down and send you to visit your father and mine. Six feet under is exactly where you belong.