Page 58 of His For Five Nights

“What do you think about making a trade? I have a truck that I... I want something smaller. If you can get the car running and bring it to me in the back, I’ll give you my truck.”

“You must be crazy. Who would want that thing? I didn’t even want it when my dad gave it to me.”

I can see why. But it will serve my purpose. Get me the hell out of here unnoticed.“One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”

The kid walked away, and she heard him say, “This is why women need men. They do such stupid shit.”

She could’ve burst out laughing. This woman is holding things together pretty darn good, thank you. If you ask me, you’re the one who should be leery about this deal. There are a few guys who aren’t going to be very happy when they find you’re driving my truck.

Ziva went out back, and within a few minutes the beat-up car pulled up. She quickly scooted into the driver’s seat and handed him her keys to the truck. “Good luck. Oh, if anyone asks, let them know I went for a drive up north to visit my parents.”

“Sure, lady. Whatever.”

That little lie would only buy her time with someone who didn’t know her. People like Alex would know her parents were deceased. But he’s not the one waiting outside for me. How did they find me? Why won’t they leave me alone?

She came around the front, and she could still see the black SUV. The men hadn’t moved. As she pulled out of the parking lot, she held her breath, waiting for them to come after her. She traveled a few blocks before she exhaled. That was too close.

It was a fact that couldn’t be ignored. She wasn’t as safe as she’d thought. She needed to head back to the cabin and revise her next plan of action. At least, I only have myself to worry about right now.

As Ziva drove, thoughts of Myla popped up. Myla had begged her to go with her to the jet tomorrow to see her off and to say one last goodbye. It broke her heart to deny her request, and Myla seemed equally hurt as well. She didn’t understand how difficult this was for Ziva. No one did. Not even Alex.

She could lie to everyone, but she wanted to see Alex again. Her heart was ripping into pieces, knowing he was leaving Tabiq and never returning. I hate being apart from him now, never mind for the rest of my life. But I know it’s for the best.

Myla would forgive her someday. Ziva had done all she could do for her. She encouraged Myla to follow her dream and take a chance on a new and better life. Myla had come from a good loving home that also wanted more for their daughter. Most people didn’t have as much support. Not only was Alex taking Myla with him, but he was making sure her family was provided for here in Tabiq. That must’ve been a heavy weight lifted from her shoulders.

It said a lot about Myla’s character, and Ziva knew Myla would return and fulfill her promise. She was a strong woman for such a young age. She doesn’t need me as much as I need her.

Ziva couldn’t help but wonder what her child would be like if she had one. Would her daughter be anything like Myla? Warm, loving and strong-willed? I’d like to think so.

When Ziva was young she pictured what most girls did, getting married and having a family. Yet when that age came, she had to turn away from her heart’s true desire. Help the girls of Tabiq.

It hadn’t been a popular path. She recalled when she told her parents what she was planning on doing. She understood the resistance she met was out of love. No parent wanted to think their child would potentially face danger every day for people who’d never know her name.

Her mother had begged her to let others take on the fight. She’d said they hadn’t hidden her away for so long, only to end up losing her. Yet, almost ten years later, and Ziva was still fighting for her cause. Alone. I just wish my parents were still alive to see the day Tabiq was given a second chance.

Because of her choices, she was now twenty-nine and single. She couldn’t remember looking back and wishing she had more. Somehow, because of one man, more was what she wanted now.

Can I think of any more depressing topics?She knew she had to snap out of this. It’d been her decision not to go to Boston. Regretting made no sense at all. Wishing he’d come and ask me one more time also made no sense. My answer wouldn’t... couldn’t change. Tabiq needs me. It’s all I know.

Ziva had no idea how she’d made it back to town. She was supposed to have turned off the road miles back. After all, she’d intentionally left to get away. It was ironic, but she believed the car—though not her own—had traveled as if on autopilot. She knew it was her self-conscience telling her what her heart wanted. She didn’t want to hear it. Her head was in charge, and returning here was a poor choice.

The sun was beginning to rise, a beautiful multi-colored orange. That meant another hot day on the way. Yet another reason to get out of here. She found out quickly that the hunk of junk didn’t have a radio or air conditioning. It was tolerable during the night, but once the sun rose full blast in the late morning, she’d melt sitting there.

Although she didn’t want to be in front of Alex’s hotel, she couldn’t bring herself to drive away either. She needed one last look at him, even if it was from afar. Better that way.

Everything was quiet; it felt eerie. Ziva looked around and noticed their vehicles were gone.

I... I missed him. He’s gone.

Her heart began to race.

He’s gone.

He’s really gone.

Ziva felt tightness in her chest. It was panic.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. Since when did I become an emotional wreck? I don’t cry, yet I seem to cry all the time now. Of course, her tears weren’t for nothing. The man she loved was going to board his jet, and she’d never be able to tell him how she felt. Throwing the car in drive, she floored it. Surprisingly the little car still had some life in it. The tires squealed as she sped away. I can’t be too late. I just can’t be.