Page 55 of His For Five Nights

They spent most of the night talking about her life. Her life had been very difficult. Because of their culture, she’s had no husband and no other children. Although she never said it, it seemed as though she’d spent her life alone. How had Ziva known where to find her? Nothing about Ziva should surprise him. She was very resourceful. But why not tell me? What if my mother hadn’t come to me? Would you have let me leave without seeing her? Alex hoped not, but he might not ever have the chance to ask.

Alex recalled Zoey’s mother was also his aunt. The entire situation is confusing as fuck.

He wanted to ask about Zoey’s mother, but hopefully there would be time for that. Right now was his moment with his mother. I came here for this, and I need this time for me.

Although he guessed she wasn’t completely alone in Tabiq, it didn’t change that he didn’t want to leave her behind. Alex knew he wasn’t staying here, but they had a lot of catching up to do. Even though they discussed a lot, he didn’t feel he could leave her here in good conscience, now that he’d found her. He had pictured her living conditions many times since he’d arrived. Surprisingly, she had a small cottage outside the city where she lived alone. That word alone was what stuck in his mind. Alex wanted her to never feel alone again. For nearly forty years, this woman had been ostracized for something taken from her, and she’d had to struggle for everything she had. While I’ve lived with riches and opportunities. It isn’t right.

“I would like you to come to Boston with me. Stay with me so we can get to know each other.” So I can give you what you should’ve had all this time. A life of luxury.

“Oh, my son. My place is here in Tabiq. Not in America.”

Alex couldn’t believe it. This was the second woman he’d asked to go to Boston with him, and they’d rather stay in this hellhole. It made absolutely no sense to him. What does this place hold except bad memories?

“What is it with you women? Please explain to me why you’d rather be here than with me in Boston.” He knew his tone was sharp, but he was frustrated.

She sighed, and for the first time he saw the family resemblance. Not to him, but his sister, Zoey, had that same look when she was frustrated with him for lack of understanding. A look she gives me often. He wished he’d captured it on his phone to show her. Then I can look at it anytime I want to remember. If they weren’t discussing such a heavy topic, Alex would’ve taken the time to show his mother the photos of all his siblings.

“It is hard to explain or perhaps hard for you to understand. I want to be with you, but there is so much to be done here. Ziva and I had a long talk yesterday. She told me about Rajani and everything that had happened. She will not be able to stop it from happening again by herself. She will need people to help. The more people she has standing by her, the more likely things will change.”

“You’re staying because of Ziva?”

“Yes and no. I’m staying because this is my home. I want to help others find their way back to our old ways. The way we were before your father came here. What she is trying to do is admirable. If you haven’t noticed, she’s a very brave woman, Mr. Henderson, but still just one woman taking on a mountain of problems that need to be addressed.”

“Alex. My name is, Alex.”

She smiled at her son and said softly, “Alex. You should talk to Ziva.”

His mother was everything his father wasn’t. Warm, patient, understanding, and most of all, loving. I want to be more like you and less like him. “I have.”

“But have you listened to her? I mean genuinely listened to what’s in her heart?”

He thought he had. Now thinking back, it was more trying to convince her to see things his way, opposed to listening to her point of view. “Maybe not as well as I could’ve.”

Nikolet shook her head. “You said you’re leaving first thing in the morning?” Alex nodded. She got up. “Then I must leave now, and you must go to her before it’s too late.”

“Mother, what are you talking about?”

“I am talking about making things right. I know you are not your father. I can tell by the look in your eyes when I say her name she is very important to you. If you leave without listening to her, you’re not doing either one of you any justice.”

Nikolet walked to the door. Before she opened it, she turned to him, pulled something out of her pocket, and handed it to him.

He looked down and saw a small lace pouch tied with a very worn ribbon. “What is this?”

“All I have of you.”

He opened it and found a small lock of hair.

“After I gave birth, the doctor said I could only hold you once. I stole scissors from the table, and when he wasn’t looking I took a little piece of your hair. I’ve always carried it with me. Now that I have seen you with my own eyes, I no longer wonder. You are here. You are my son. And you are okay.” She went up on her toes and gave him a kiss on his forehead. “Go to her, my son. Don’t let words of your father stand between you and happiness. If you do, the joy you could find with Ziva will be lost.”

Nikolet left him standing alone in his room, holding the lace pouch. He walked over to the couch and dropped onto it. I met my mother. My real mother. Alex couldn’t stop looking at the pouch.

And she never forgot me.

She never gave up hope for me.

He wanted to see Ziva, but right now he was overwhelmed with so much raw emotion he couldn’t go. If he did, he knew he’d not listen. Instead, he’d grab hold of her and beg her to go with him. His mother was right. He needed to hear her out. He knew how courageous she was, and it would be wrong to deny what her heart desired. Although, he wanted her heart to desire him. But after that, I might resort to asking her one last time to come with me to Boston. It’s where I want to be, and where I need her to be. With me.

He grabbed his phone and texted Bennett. Ziva’s location now?