“Miss, are you okay?” How could a monster’s voice be soft and his concern genuine? He’s a liar, Ziva. Liars know how to mask their depravity.

The only thing hurt was her pride, what little she had left. “I’m fine. Thank you.”

She tried to get up, but he wasn’t going to allow her to do so without his helping hand. Smiling, she placed her slender hand in his, and he easily pulled her to her feet. When she looked down, she noticed there was a raised stone on the flooring. Alexander must have noticed the same thing she did, because he barked at the manager.

“What the hell are you trying to do? This woman could’ve cracked her skull open on this stone floor. How are you going to compensate her?”

She stood there wide-eyed as the manager glared at her. There was no way he would open his wallet or anything else to her. He would easily identify her as Tabiqian. It wasn’t as simple as what she wore, because they dressed in Western attire. It was the subtle downcast of her eyes from his first contemptible stare. No matter how she wanted to be bold and braver, she knew her place, and most of all, so did he. “You shouldn’t be here, woman. You tripped because you are clumsy,” he hissed in their native tongue even though in Tabiq they also spoke fluent English.

There was so much she wanted to say to him, but her mouth remained shut. Even though she could’ve responded in her native language, it would’ve been out of character and brought more unwanted attention onto her.

Turning from her, the manager said, “Is this woman with you, Mr. Henderson? Because we don’t allow loitering here.” The manager looked her up and down, shook his head, and said sternly, “Be gone and do not come back here. Do you hear me?”

Ziva had no choice but to comply. If the manager called the police, not only would she be physically removed, she’d be fired as well. She nodded, but to her surprise Alexander interrupted.

“The second room is for this young lady.” Alexander’s next words sounded more like a threat. “I’m sure no one will be questioning her again.”

The manager averted his eyes from meeting Alexander’s and nodded. “I’m so sorry, sir. It will not happen again.”

“I believe the apology belongs to her, not me.”

The manager, still with his head lowered, said in English, “I beg your pardon, miss.”

He may have acted as though he was sorry, but when he looked up, Ziva didn’t miss the hatred lying deep within him. Alexander might hold power over things now, but she didn’t want or need his protection. The last thing she could afford was to be in debt to him. He was and always would be nothing more than her enemy.

Alexander reached out, took hold of her elbow, and guided her past the manager. Once out of earshot he asked, “What’s your name?”

She was tongue-tied.

“You have one, I’m sure,” he said sarcastically.

Oh, she knew her name; it was whether or not she wanted him to have the real one. Lying was easy, but if they encountered anyone who knew her she’d blow her cover. “Ziva Gryzb. And yours?” Not that I need it.

He smiled and said, “Alex. I don’t know what you’re doing here, but the room is yours. Feel free to use it.” He reached out his hand and dropped a room key into hers.



She nodded. “Alex. Thank you for what you did, but I cannot take a room from you. It would look...” Like I’m the one you are having sex with.

“You should’ve thought about that before you decided to eavesdrop on my conversation with the manager.”

She blushed. “I’m sorry. That was very disrespectful of me.” Although she didn’t have any respect for the man, she had some for herself.

“May I ask why you were listening?” Alex asked, his brow arched.

Think fast. Come on, Ziva. You’ve been waiting for this day, and you can’t blow it in the first few minutes.“News travels fast around here of a newcomer, and I wanted to meet you. Guess I could’ve chosen a more subtle way.” She forced a light laugh.

He chuckled as well. “Well, Ziva Gryzb, you do know how to make a memorable first impression. I guarantee you’re not someone I’ll soon forget.”

His eyes roamed over her as he spoke. She wanted to be angry, but for some unexplainable reason, her body reacted to his look. That infuriated her. Now red-faced and confused she said, “I can’t say the same about you.”

With that, Ziva turned and left the hotel. When she got back in the truck, she realized the hotel room key was still in her hand. Smiling that something actually went right with this day she slipped the key into her pocket. I may need this to keep an eye on your disgusting ass.