Page 42 of His For Five Nights

Chapter Twelve

Ziva stood alone on the top of the hill. Even though the girls all wanted to be by her side, she needed her space. Most of her life she’d wished to be surrounded by others, but right now, she needed to face this alone.

Her heart was racing as Dean approached her. Don’t bring me bad news. I can’t handle it. I need him to be okay.

“Mr. Hend—”

“It’s Dean. And you can breathe now. He’s on the chopper and safe.”

Tears of joy poured down her cheeks. She went from wanting to be alone to turning and burying her face in Dean’s chest. She felt ridiculous because they’d hardly spoken at all, yet here she was clinging to him and unable to let go.

“I don’t know what I would’ve done if—”

“Don’t. Don’t think about it. He’s fine,” Dean said, rubbing her back to soothe her sobs.

“You don’t understand. It’s all my fault. If anything had happened to him, I’d never have forgiven myself.”

“Ziva, my brother is a big boy. Trust me. This whole nightmare had nothing to do with you. He came here on his own and set the ball in motion. If anything, I’m sure he feels like shit for getting you involved.”

Ziva pulled away and wiped her cheeks. “He shouldn’t feel bad. All he wanted to do was find his mother. He should have the right to do that. This country, my country, is so... full of corruption, the good people are swept under the carpet, and no one knows they’re there. Believe me, Dean, there are good people. They’re too afraid to be seen. If they are, the government makes them disappear.”

“My brother told us what you’ve been doing. The risk you take by doing it. I’ve never heard Alex speak of anyone so highly.”

“He mentioned me?”

Dean nodded. “Let’s just say he made it very clear that if anything happened to you, heads were going to roll. I’m glad to see you feel the same about him.”

It seemed so weird talking to Dean about Alex when she and Alex hadn’t had a chance to speak directly about each other. This wasn’t just any guy talking to her; it was his brother. Knowing Alex had mentioned her to his family touched her heart. I hope it was all good and not that I pulled a gun on him or broke into his room. Unless he hasn’t figured out it was me.

“I can’t wait for him to get here.”

She looked toward the sky, hoping to see a light or something, but all was dark. Not even a star or moon to light the way, as the clouds seemed to take on the somber evening.

“They’re close.”

“How can you tell? I don’t see anything.”

“Lights would make them a target. You’ll be reunited very shortly.”

She looked at Dean, who shot her a smile. It was the first time she saw any resemblance to Alex. Those smiles. They’re both kind. Who would’ve ever thought Hendersons were nice people? Definitely no one from Tabiq.

Sure enough, she heard the sound of the chopper coming over the ridge. The only thing louder was her heartbeat. She wanted to run and leap into his arms, but there were multiple choppers, and she wasn’t sure which he was on. She would wait impatiently. Hurry up, Alex. I don’t think my heart will hold out much longer.

It hadn’t been twenty-four hours since they’d seen each other, but it was what they hadn’t been able to say as hostages that rushed to come out. Ziva had no clue what the words were going to be. She’d just sorted out what she felt herself. We were brought together through a dramatic situation. How do we know if what we feel is real? It might be an adrenaline rush.

Straining to focus her eyes, she saw a tall figure disembark one of the choppers and make his way toward her. Each step brought the figure clearer. Alex!

Unable to hold back, she dashed toward him. As she got closer, he opened his arms, and she leaped into them happily.

His lips claimed hers. It was a long overdue minute, filled with many unspoken words; the world around them could’ve ended and neither would’ve noticed. It seemed endless, yet ended all too quickly, as a voice from behind interrupted them.

“Hate to break up this reunion, but we have to get out of here before anyone comes looking for her.”

Ziva thought they were speaking about her. As she looked over Alex’s shoulder, she saw a man dressed in all black like Doug, but he was with a woman dressed in an elegant red gown, tugging along. Still, in Alex’s arms, she asked, “Who are they?”

“That’s Bennett Stone. He’s in charge of the rescue team, among other things.”