Page 39 of His For Five Nights

Doug turned and looked at her seriously. It was odd, his voice wasn’t commanding, yet he had a way of talking that made her listen. “Your value is no different from any other human being. Don’t put him or anyone else above yourself. Besides, I have a feeling Alex would disagree with you, since he’s the one who sent for us.”

That made no sense. Alex was in no position to orchestrate a rescue for anyone. This was a well-thought-out plan. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe Alex was capable of doing such a thing, but he’d been with her all night. He couldn’t have been in communication with their team.

“I tell you what. Why don’t you go get him, and let him tell me that himself?”

Doug smiled at her. “I’m sure he will.”

The pilot said something to Doug and handed him a headset with a mic. He slipped it on. There wasn’t much talking from Doug’s end, but he obviously was getting more instructions. “Roger.” Then he handed the headset back to the pilot. “Looks like you have some friends that are anxious to see you again.”


“Brice said he has a bunch of young girls that won’t quiet down until they see you’re okay.”

Ziva let out a heavy sigh. She had no idea who this Brice guy was either. All she knew was these men had rescued her, and they were also keeping the girls she’d been protecting safe. Good girl, Myla. You did what I asked.

Knowing all hadn’t been lost, she became teary. Sniffing, she said softly, “Thank you.”

The words were so simple in comparison to the debt she owed them. She’d been prepared to pay the price with her own life. She wasn’t, and never would be, prepared for it to happen to the others. They deserved a chance, and because of these strangers, they would get it.

“Miss, we should be thanking you. I heard what you’ve been doing here. Very impressive.”

She shot Doug a puzzled look. “You must have mistaken me for someone else.”

Doug shook his head. “Nope. You’ve changed the lives for six girls that we know of. If you think about the ripple effect, what you’ve done will continue, and eventually you’ll see the healing of the country begin.”

It was her dream, yet that’s all she ever knew it would be. The saying that it only takes one sounded great, but in reality, one person couldn’t combat the amount of evil in Tabiq. “I would like to hope so. It’s not easy going—”

“At it alone?”

Ziva nodded. “This is the first time anyone has helped. But you’re not from here. You’ll leave, and we’ll be faced with the consequences.” The wrath for escaping so publicly was going to end with heads rolling.

“I don’t believe the plan is to leave you or the others behind. I’m sure Brice will fill you in shortly. We’re almost there now.”

She looked out the window and off on a hill she saw another two choppers. These were guarded heavier than the one she was on. They looked military, but she didn’t see any insignia on them. Looking back to Doug she asked, “Did the United States send you?”

He laughed. “No, ma’am. I served my time in the Marine Corps. Now the others and myself... freelance where needed.”

She’d heard all about distinguished retired military men being paid for their specialties, doing unimaginable things. They had plenty here from all over the world. The guards she’d seen where she and Alex were held weren’t originally from her country. Yet the two who took her away were. “You mean mercenaries?”

“This is not about money. It’s about what’s right.” He met her gaze as though trying to convince her he spoke the truth.

It was hard to trust in people she didn’t know, when it had been impossible for her to trust the ones she’d known all her life. Ziva knew there were other people in the world, wanting to do good. She’d never met them in person.

Not until I met Alex.

His heart was good.

“You didn’t just find us on a map. Who brought you here?”



“Yes. And his brothers, Brice and Dean.”

She was having difficulty getting used to one Henderson here. There were more? She wasn’t sure Tabiq could handle it. Unless they’re all like Alex.

“You’re telling me his brothers are here, and you rescued me instead of Alex? I don’t think they’re going to be very happy to see me when we land.”