Page 28 of His For Five Nights

Chapter Eight

“Sorry Mr. Henderson, but we caught this... girl, trying to get away. If she doesn’t please you, we can send another at no charge.”

Alex glared at the manager. He was shaking on the inside, trying damn hard to control himself. The only thing holding him back was his concern about why Myla was here. He knew she was with Ziva. Bennett had already called and confirmed their location. So, what made you risk your life to come back here?

So not to want any further question, Alex grabbed Myla by the bicep a bit roughly and tugged her into the room. “I like this one just fine.” Then he slammed the door in the manager’s face.

Once Alex heard his footsteps leaving, he turned to Myla and asked, “What happened? Why are you here?”

Myla looked at where Alex still held her.

He released her right away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I needed him to think I was not happy with you.”

“I know. It’s okay. Don’t worry about me. We need to help Ziva.”

His heart sank. “Is she hurt?”

“Men came and took her away. She wasn’t moving. I’m afraid of what they’re going to do to her.”

Alex was beside himself. He should’ve been there instead of waiting for Brice and Dean to show up. From what Bennett had told him, the place seemed secure. Either he was wrong, or something had changed.

“Do you know who they were?”

Myla nodded. “They are the police. Or at least, that’s what they call themselves. We have no real police here. They all work for... well we don’t really know who they work for, but they are not here to protect the people. They do whatever they are told, and it usually isn’t good, at least not for us. I saw the men who came to the cabin and took Ziva talking to the hotel manager before. They are very dangerous men, and they hurt Ziva.”

“How do you know she was hurt?” Please don’t let it be bad.

“I was hiding, but I saw one of them hit her in the head. She wasn’t moving when they carried her away. I hope she isn’t—”

“I’m sure she’s not.” God, she better not be. He needed to find her, but he had no clue where to start looking. Pounding the manager’s face until he divulged the information sounded like a place to start. If he went in empty-handed, he wasn’t going to be alive long enough to ask any questions and positively not long enough to beat the shit out of the guy.

Alex grabbed his SAT phone and called Bennett. He quickly brought him up to date with the details Myla had just told him.

“That road isn’t heavily traveled. Those goons had to have been waiting and watching her already. I was afraid something was going to happen. The Turchettas aren’t here but have been observing the cabin via satellite. I’ll see if they have a location or some footage for us.”

“If you knew she was in danger, why the fuck did you leave?” Alex barked over the phone.

“I figured she was safe until you made your move. That’s when I expected things to go to hell. If they were watching her, it’s because she’s doing something outside of being associated with you. We need to find out what that is.”

Alex looked at Myla and asked, “Do you trust me?”

She nodded.

“Then I need you to tell me what Ziva was doing in those woods. I need to know everything you can think of. It might be our only way to find her.” He looked her square in the eyes, practically pleading for her cooperation. Ziva’s life depended on what Myla could tell them.

“She finds girls who are young but will soon be of age to be... taken. She hides them away and takes care of them so the manager’s men can’t find them. She brings them food, clothes, books, and everything else they need. They all know they can’t leave the area because someone might see them. No one would break the rule. Each girl knows the price if they are discovered.”

“Did they find you? I mean all of the girls?”

“No. We take turns as lookout. When the men were spotted, Ziva left the cabin and led them away from us. She told me if she didn’t come back, to take her truck and come find you and to tell you everything. She will need you to protect the girls, as you protected me.”

Ziva was even braver than he imagined. Not only had she confronted him, but she took on armed men to save the lives of others. Don’t be dead, Ziva. I’m coming for you. I’ll find you. You just have to believe and trust.

“How do you know this if she told you to stay put?”

“I couldn’t let her go by herself. But when I saw the man hit her on the head and put her on his shoulder, I knew there wasn’t anything to do except get you.”