Page 24 of His For Five Nights

Do nothing while waiting for Bennett to report back wasn’t Alex’s style. He needed to stay busy. Walking to his suitcase, he grabbed some clean clothes. He needed to reach out to the manager. Now seemed like a good time. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to say to convince him to introduce him to his boss. Not sure playing it by ear is the way to go on this, but I need to get a feel of the situation first.

Alex could almost hear Bennett complaining. No one agreed with how Alex handled things. Good thing I don’t report to any of them.

While he was dressing, his phone rang. It should’ve been Bennett, but to his surprise it was Brice. He didn’t recall providing him with the secure line. That meant Bennett and Brice had been chatting. Thanks for the heads-up, Bennett. I owe you one.

“What is it, Brice?”

“What’s the status?” Brice asked.

“Sun is shining. The water is great.”

“Cut the shit, Alex. I know you’re in Tabiq. I know you’re looking for your mother. You should’ve waited for me.”

“Brice, you had no intention of ever telling me what was going on. It’s obvious Bennett reports to you, but don’t forget... I don’t,” Alex barked at his brother.

“You have the right to know what we do. I know how you operate. You’re hot-headed and stubborn. Two things that will get you killed over there. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

“No, I don’t, so why don’t you tell me?” It was better late than never. Of course, he wasn’t sure Brice actually had any valuable information. If he had, Bennett would’ve told him by now. Or not. My character judgment is lacking lately.

“The corruption goes right to the top. We cannot go in and take down the local level. If we do, it will reappear with different people in charge. We have to start at the top.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do. I was going to meet with the manager to set up a meeting.”

“You’re one Henderson. Think about it, Alex. What do you think they’ll do if there was two or even three?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m on my way, and I’m not alone.”

Fuck. This news is the last thing I wanted or needed.“You might as well turn around. I don’t need you.”

“Alex, that’s where you’re wrong. You need us, no different than we need you.”

It was the first time Brice had ever spoken to him in such a manner. Actually, Brice wasn’t a big talker. Something must be up to have him opening up like this. And it’s not just being married. “I’m not alone, Brice. But then again, I’m sure you already knew that.”

“I did.”

“Then you know why I’m here, and what I’m doing.”

“And I know it’s a dangerous game to play. They might think you’re like our father now, but eventually, your true colors will come through, and then you’re fucked.”

“I’m a better actor than you might think.” God knows I’ve been lying and hiding things from you all my life. I’m sure I can pull a scam on one guy. No issue. No worry.

“Alex, wake the hell up. We want to help. You’re not the only one who has a mother there. Or have you forgotten that part?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Good, then get ready because our plane touches down in four hours. Do not meet with the manager or anyone else until we talk face to face.”

“And you don’t think they’re going to question why we’re all coming to town now, out of the blue?” Alex didn’t think Brice thought this through at all. All my hard work will go up in smoke, once they figure out it’s all a lie.

“It’s not all of us. Dean and I are coming. And no, they won’t question anything except the color of our money.”

Alex saw the greed here firsthand. But were they really going to be that naïve? He wasn’t so sure.

“Alex, you’re the one who doesn’t plan and jumps in with both feet and your eyes closed. What’s changed?”

It was a good question. Maybe I’m not only thinking about myself. “That’s a question I should be asking you. I know how you like every detail set in stone.”