Abby nodded, then hugged Val and said, “You’re going to be a wonderful grandma.” Then she hugged me and said, “And now my babies have a grandpa, too.”

Grandpa.I never had the chance to be a parent, but I was thrilled to be allowed to be a grandparent.

“I’ll try not to spoil them too much,” I said.

Mr. Rizzo said, “Get in line. My wife has already claimed that role.”

Carlie said, “This whole chain of events makes me so happy that I’m almost considering moving back to Rhode Island.”

Abby said, “You should, because they are going to need to know Aunty Carlie and Uncle Roger!”

I wasn’t sure if Carlie meant it, but I saw in her eyes that like myself, she was relieved and blessed to feel like she was part of a family again. A happy one this time, for both of us.

“What do you say we go celebrate these grandchildren in style?” I asked.

Timothy said, “This is supposed to be a wedding reception we’re going to.”

“I think there’s enough love in the room to celebrate it all,” I said, then kissed my new bride. “What do you think?”

“I don’t think - I know - that I’m the luckiest woman alive. Thank you for loving me,” she said.

“Loving you is easy. It’s being apart from you that was hell.”

“From now on, you don’t have to. It’s time to come home, so we can finally have it all, just like we dreamt about.”

She kissed me and I knew I was home, and never leaving again.

Thank you for showing me the way home.