
“Rick, is everything okay?” Carlie asked, sounding worried.

“Sorry, sis. I shouldn’t have called so early. I forgot there is a huge time difference,” I responded. I looked at my watch and 9 am here meant 4 am in Hawaii. This just proved to me how much I needed to talk this out with her.

“No problem. I was just scared that something had happened. I’m glad everything is okay.”

“Did I wake Roger?”

“No. My husband is a deep sleeper. Probably because he’s used to me getting up at all hours to write when the inspiration hits.”

“I could use some inspiration myself,” I sighed.

Carlie chuckled. “That’s a first. Are you taking up writing romance as well?”

“Hardly. I’m actually calling to ask you and Roger on a cruise,” I said.

“Didn’t you just get back from one a little while ago?”

“Yes, but this one is different. It’s…important to me.” I wasn’t ready to tell her all about my plans. They were still in the works. It was hard enough working on it with Abby, add another woman in the mix and I would have no control at all.

“If it’s important to you, then we will be there. I would like to know a little more about this. You’ve…never talked like this before. Are you sure you’re, okay? You’re not sick, are you?” she asked.

Love sick.

“I’m healthy.” I needed to tell her something. “It’s just that we haven’t seen each other in a long time. I thought it would be nice for us all to get together.”

“All? That implies there is more than just you and us. Am I correct?” she asked.

Fuck. Why are women so perceptive?

“Yes. Valentina will be there with her family.”

“Now I’m wide awake. Why didn’t you start with that?” Carlie asked. “Never mind. I know why. You’re trying to make this off like it’s not a big thing, when it really is.”

“I’m trying to keep it a secret,” I said.

“Now I’m confused. You’re inviting us but don’t want us to know why?”

“No. A secret from Valentina,” I said.

“Rick, you really are not making any sense. How can you go on vacation with her family, and she not know it? Are you planning on drugging her to get her on the ship?” she asked jokingly.

“No. Her daughter Abby is handling getting her on the ship. What I don’t want her to know is that I’m on the ship,” I explained.

“You’re surprising her? Look what reading my romance stories has done for you. You’re becoming romantic. Maybe Roger needs to start reading them,” she chuckled.

“Carlie, I didn’t call for romance advice. Just to invite you both.”

“Consider it done. We will be there no matter when it is. So, how is Valentina? You haven’t mentioned her since the cruise, and even then, you hardly said a word. I honestly had hoped seeing her again would help you…heal,” she said.

I can’t heal from what dad did. I just have to accept it.

“I don’t want to talk about that,” I said firmly.

She ignored my request. “Rick, I know how much you still hurt, but if you’re thinking about a…future with Valentina, you’re going to need to be able to talk about your past. She was there with you when this all happened. It affected her as well.”