“Excuse me?” Being called a liar didn’t sit well with me.

“Betty told me all about it,” he said.

“About what?”

“She and Val had a very long girl-talk after you left the ship.”

Damn it. I have stooped so low that I want to hear gossip. Yeah. If it’s about Valentina, I want to hear it all.

“What was said?” I asked.

“Betty wouldn’t tell me. All she said was Val was crying and said that she couldn’t believe she lost you again.”

Fuck!Hurting her was always my fear. I knew she’d cry even though she had pushed me away that day. It was her defense, a wall to protect her heart.

It didn’t work for you any more than it did for me.

“Was that all?” I asked.

“That’s all Betty will tell me. She said she loves me, but there’s a girls’ code that can’t be broken. Who ever knew? I thought there was only a bro-code.”

I’m too old for this.

“I’m glad they bonded.” I said. I wish Valentina could’ve talked to me. Opened up and told me what she was thinking, instead of shutting down. But hell, it’s what I did to her long ago. I deserved it, and a hell lot more.

“Just like we did,” he replied. “That’s why I’m inviting you to the wedding. And before you answer, you should know, Betty invited Val, too.”

My heart skipped a beat or two knowing she might be there. Going to the wedding just to see Valentina again wasn’t really a nice thing to do, but Mario wouldn’t have told me if he didn’t want me to know. I might even forgive him for trying to play matchmaker if it meant seeing Valentina again.

“Send me the information. I’ll let you know if I can make it,” I said.

“Hey, that’s better than you saying no.”

“Were you expecting me to?” I asked.

“Betty and I made a side bet. She said you wouldn’t come. I said you wouldn’t miss it. I’m feeling more confident that I’m going to win. Which by the way, thank you,” he laughed.

“I don’t want to know,” I grumbled. I could only imagine the stakes those two could come up with. I know what I’d bet if it’d been me and Valentina. “Hey, I got to go. I’ve got a long drive ahead of me.”

“Still haven’t found a place to live?” he asked.

“Not looking. Just driving,” I responded.

“I thought I could live like that, but then I met Betty.”

“You guys practically live on the ship,” I reminded him. “That’s not really putting down roots.”

“Home is where the one you love is. That’s all the roots I need,” he said. “I guess I’ll see you at the wedding.”

Mario ended the call, and I tossed my phone on the empty passenger seat. Explains why I can’t settle down. Valentina still holds my heart. I just wish I could go home.

I knew all I needed to do was call her. Tell her I was sorry. Invite her to come and meet me somewhere. But what if she said no?

What if she says yes?

I grabbed my phone and sent her a quick text.


Instantly my phone chimed. When I looked it wasn’t Valentina, but instead it was Mario. I scanned it quickly. The wedding’s in four weeks? What the hell is the rush? I didn’t want to ask, but maybe she was pregnant. Either way, I hope this is the right move for them. Hell, I wish I’d have been smart enough to hold onto the woman I loved. My life would’ve been so different.

I thanked him for the information and told him I’ll do my best to be there. I meant it. Then I waited parked there for several minutes, hoping to get a response from Valentina. No answer. She probably needed time to think about it. If I didn’t hear back from her, well, I’d have my answer. I wasn’t getting a third chance.

Probably for the best. I’d only fuck it up again anyway.