“I respect that, but I try not to make promises I can’t keep. I think it’s best if I leave the ship at the next port.”

“Agreed. I’ll update the captain,” he said.

I got up and headed out the door. I turned back and said, “Whoever provided you with the…inaccurate information about me and Miss Rizzo, go lightly on them. No need to push this any further.”

“I don’t have her contact information, and don’t plan on seeking it out. Have a good day,” he said, dismissing me.

There wasn’t much good about it. I was worried that Mario or Betty would face the same fate I had. That was a shame, because they both wanted careers on this ship. I had no idea why they put their neck on the line for me. Those lovebirds need to think about themselves, their future, and only their future.

As I headed to Valentina’s cabin, I realized I was glad to be fired. That meant I could see her anytime I wanted. Or anytime she would let me in. Things between us were good. But I wasn’t looking forward to giving her the news that I had to leave the ship tomorrow afternoon.

Sorry, honey. I never meant to cut this short, but then again, I didn’t know it would ever start.

Before I even had a chance to knock on her door, it opened.

“Rick. What are you doing here? I thought you’d be working,” she said, a surprised smile on her face.

“Yeah, about that. Can I come in and talk?”

She opened the door wide, and I entered. Taking her hand, I led her to the bed and sat down.

“One of the conversations that we need to sit for, huh?”

I smiled. “It’s actually not bad news. I got fired.”

She looked very surprised, then said, “Well, that doesn’t sound like good news. What am I missing?”

“I guess there’s a strict policy about employees fraternizing with the guests.”

Wrinkling her nose she asked, “Didn’t…well…was there any explanation provided to them?”

I raised a brow and said, “If you mean, did I give them any details about what we’ve shared? Hell no. It’s no one’s business.”

“I thought…I guess…” she got up and paced the room. “I’m sorry. I really thought it would work. I guess they didn’t believe my mother.”

Now I was the one puzzled. “What about your mother?”

She came back and sat down. “I had my mother call the cruise line.”

“I haven’t needed a mother’s help in a long time,” I said with a laugh. “What exactly did you have your mother say?”

“That we were married and on our honeymoon.”

I was flabbergasted. I wasn’t a betting man, but even so I would never put money on Mrs. Rizzo lying to a stranger. And definitely not for me. Not after how much I hurt Valentina when we broke up.

“Maybe you should start from the beginning,” I suggested. “Like how did you know I was fired? Did they come and question you?” I’d be pissed if they had. She didn’t need to be harassed or questioned. This was her vacation.

“Betty stopped in and she was really upset. She told me what happened, and I just had to do something. I couldn’t let you lose your job just because we…we…broke a little rule.”

I laughed. “Can’t even say it? We had sex. Amazing, mind-blowing, ground shaking sex.”

She blushed. “Well, I wasn’t about to say that to Betty.”

“Good. She and Mario are trying to behave, and they don’t need their hormones set off. Now, back to us. You knew I was fired, but how did your mother get involved in all this?”

“I called the one person I knew could help.”

“I don’t understand why she did. I mean, I can’t be her favorite person.” Probably never wants to see my face again.