It was time to come clean and tell her everything. Well, maybe not all the details.

“Mom, I didn’t just meet him. We’ve known each other for a long time. It just happened that he works on the ship and we…connected again.”

“And who is this man from your past?”

I wasn’t sure she would be happy. Rick hurt me and my mother had witnessed it. But she had to understand that Rick was in more pain than I was back then. I was just too young to be able to help him through it. Even now, I’m not sure I can. All I can do is what I’ve always done. Love him and be here if he needs me. And right now, he needs me.

Here goes.


She gasped and asked, “Your Rick?”

I wish he was mine.

“Yes, Mom. And he’s going to lose his job because of me.”

“Well, that’s what he gets for breaking…”

“The rules.” I didn’t want her to say “your heart.”

“That too. But if you want me to…lie for you, I guess I will. I’m not happy about it. I’m not sure he’d have done the same thing for you. But I know you still have feelings for him, and I will do this for you.”

I could hear the disappointment in her voice. Did she really think I was going to find the love of my life on this cruise? Rick had been that man. No one had even come close to making me feel like I do when I’m with him. The highs are higher than the clouds, and the lows are the price you pay for loving so hard.

“Mom, I can’t thank you enough.”

“I’m just afraid that at the end of the cruise, you’ll be coming home…broken-hearted. I hate seeing you hurt.”

“Mom, this has been good for me and Rick. We talked out a lot of things. And besides, you know why he left. He wasn’t running from me; he was running from the pain he was in after what his father did. No matter what you think he did to me, my broken heart was nothing compared to his.”

“I know, dear. But you’re my daughter, and my job is to protect you.”

“I’m not a child, Mom. I don’t need protecting.” I just need love.

“You’ll always be my little girl.”

“Then I’m glad you’re helping your little girl out. Now, I’ll text you the details about how to reach his boss.”

“And if this doesn’t work, what then?” she asked.

“Then I’ve given it my best try. That’s all I can do.” That’s what I had done in the past, and it didn’t work out for me.

“Okay. Good luck, Val.

“Thanks, Mom. And please, don’t tell anyone about this. It’s…embarrassing.”

“Don’t worry. I’m good at keeping secrets,” she said.

So I’ve learned. But you’re not the only one keeping secrets. Wait till you hear about Abby.

I ended the call and went to find Betty. I needed the number for my mom to call. It would be so easy for me to hunt Rick down, but maybe he needed a little space to think. Maybe he’s regretting connecting with me again because the price might have been too much.