“Simple. You don’t have one,” she replied.

“I date,” I reminded her.

“You go out with a guy a few times, and that’s it. There’s no…spark. No…passion.”

“How do you know? Do you follow us?” I teased her, hoping it was only a joke. If not, we have a serious problem.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. It will get me out of the house, too,” she said. “I bet Kathleen will want to come.”

“That’s it. No more dating for me. Not unless we double date. This way I know where you are at all times,” I joked.

“That won’t be half as fun, but it’s doable. Maybe I can pick out the guys for you,” she offered.

I burst out laughing. “No, thank you. I’d rather stay single.”

“You’re no fun,” she chuckled. “Or maybe you’ll finally just suck it up and go see if you can find the guy you really want to be with. Rick.”

Are we back on that?

“He’s an employee, not a passenger. I believe there are rules regarding hooking up with passengers.” And we broke them several times last night.

“Some rules are worth breaking. If he really was The One, then what the hell are you doing letting your second chance slip by? The Val Rizzo I know wouldn’t sit back and do nothing.”

“We’re not young anymore. We don’t risk a job just for…sex.”

“I was talking about love, but yeah, sex is good, too,” she said.

“Meg, don’t be shocked when I ignore your call again tonight,” I warned her. All she did was laugh. “I’m going to get some breakfast.”

“Yeah. I’ve got to get back to work. But think about what I said. The cruise will be over before you know it, and you won’t get another chance to talk to Rick.”

I ended the call and sighed. She was right about one thing, Rick and I needed to talk. I just wasn’t sure what I wanted to say. We had the opportunity to discuss things last night, but neither of us took it. Was he afraid to broach the topic like I was? Or maybe he didn’t want to rehash what was already done.

I guess I’ll find out if we cross paths again, because before jumping back into bed with him, I need to understand where this is going.

This was what I got for opening myself up to him again. The sex had been mind-blowing, but now I felt emptier than I did before. I didn’t care if he wanted to talk or not - we needed to. I couldn’t spend the rest of my life wondering why we couldn’t make it work.

First breakfast, then I start my hunt.

I knew one person who might be willing to help me. There was a cocktail waitress who was very friendly and very chatty. If I played my cards right, maybe I could get some information about Rick out of her.