So far it hasn’t worked for me, but I was working, whereas she was on vacation. And since she’s on a singles cruise, she’s looking for love. I might not be, but no way in hell was I going to allow her to sit in that room. She deserved…everything I promised her.

It was like a knife in my gut thinking about how my choices must have hurt her. Even though she never voiced it to me, I could only imagine she felt that I had abandoned her, forgotten her. That was not the case. I took her with me everywhere I went. The thought of Val gave me the strength to do what I needed to do. But my lifestyle wouldn’t have been fair to her. She would have spent her life waiting for me to return from duty, only to deploy again. I didn’t want that for her. I wanted her to have what we had talked about, a home filled with children, dogs, and a normal life.

Did she ever get those things? I sure as hell hoped so. And since I was about to see her, maybe I could get some of those answers. I knocked on the door and waited. No answer. Knocked again, and still nothing. If she’d been sleeping, she’d have heard me.

Maybe she’s not as sad and alone as Betty made her out to be. Maybe Betty just wants to play matchmaker.

When I had suggested to Betty to see if she could get involved with the activities going on aboard the ship, I didn’t think she would look at me as the first match she was going to work on. Val was here to meet someone, not that I wanted to think of her with anyone else either. But the only thing that would come from Val and I getting together again was more heartache. And not just hers.

I might have been good at burying my feelings for Val, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have them. Seeing her last night stirred them up again, all the good times, and even a few of the bad. I never connected with anyone like I did with her.

Never loved anyone but her.

It would be smart to walk away and try to avoid her. It’s a big ship – it should be easy. There was no reason to stir up things that might be best left alone. But I didn’t want to leave things alone. I needed to hear about her life, know that she’s happy. We didn’t need to be behind closed doors for that to happen.

I couldn’t believe it. I was about to lecture Mario about rules, and here I was, the one breaking them.

I don’t give a fuck. They can throw me overboard if they want to. I just want to see Val again.

Pulling out a notepad, I jotted down an invitation with a time and place to meet me for dinner, then slipped it under her door and walked away.

It’s all in your court, Val. I just hope you show, because I really want to see you.