Page 9 of Chaotic Anger

Jex gives a small nod. “Aye.”

Everyone’s eyes turn towards me.

“Aye.” I lift my eyebrow at my dad, and a huge smile breaks out across his face.

“Aye! There we go, boys. Let’s finally get this fucker, yeah?” He slams his mallet down on the table again, and we all stand up to go to sleep or get fucked up and then go to sleep.

But I guess that’s it.

I guess we’re headed to Tijuana.



My day starts like any other. Ms. Maria comes in and gets me ready for the day. I go and have breakfast with Santiago, but his next words make me pause.

“There will be a party tonight. Maria will get you ready. Don’t be late, Ivy. There are important people coming tonight.”

I nod and mumble a “Yes, sir.” I listen as he pushes his chair back and walks out of the dining room. Most likely getting ready for his big event.

Big event.

I know it’s code that he will either be selling off the girls that are already here or getting new ones brought in. It’s a vicious cycle. In the beginning, I used to go and visit the girls. Santiago no longer cared once he knew I wasn’t going to leave. I was no longer a potential run risk to him, so he let me roam free aroundLa Guardia.

But, seeing the girls emaciated and pleading for help became too much, and I stopped visiting them all together. It didn’t matter much anyway, within a month, an entire new group of girls would cycle in. The only people that I’ve grown close to here is Ms. Maria, Alexia, and Elana.

Alexia is somewhat like me. She came here to get trafficked, but somehow ended being more useful here. She’s one of Santiago’s whores that lives on the compound. There are a handful of them, but Alexia is the only one that speaks English and has become a friend of mine. The rest of them look sideways at me, like they’re trying to figure out what’s so special about me. I wonder the same thing. The jealous looks in some of the workers eyes, like they want to pluck me from his property and set me somewhere else in the world. I’m fine with that, I’d even go up to them on my knees and beg them to do it, if I wouldn’t be punished for it.

Alexia isn’t like them, though. She’s special. Santiago doesn’t use her, and he never has. But if any of Santiago’s business partners come into town and stay at his place and they want a little company, it’s Alexia or another one of the girl’s job to entertain them. She’s beautiful, with chocolate brown hair that hangs down her back in a heavy sheet and green eyes. I can see why Santiago was taken with her. According to her, Santiago doesn’t touch any of the whores, including her. I’m happy about that, no one should have to deal with the wrath of Santiago. He must save all of his evil for me.

Elana is Ms. Maria’s daughter. She’s a couple years younger than me and works as the housekeeper at the main house in between going to school. She’s one of my greatest allies here. Between her and Alexia, I think they are some of the best friends I’ve ever had. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

Ms. Maria knocks the door open with her hip, wiping her hands off on a blue printed towel. “Have you finished, Ivy? Many things to do before the party tonight.” Her tone is tense, which is how the entire feel of the house has been this past week. It’s like everyone has been on the edge of their seat, ready to pounce at the first sign of unease. I don’t ask, because I’m not allowed. I have kept my eyes open and more aware than normal in hopes of hearing or seeing something out of the ordinary.

No such luck.

This brain and secrets of this house are like a safe. Locked, and closed tight. I have no hopes that I will find the combination. Everyone is trained with the quality of the secret service at the White House, and these people are smarter than they may seem.

“Ivy? We must get moving.” Ms. Maria’s tone is tense, and I stand out of my chair with a glance at my barely touched breakfast. Ms. Maria notices it as well, but she won’t say anything. I had my allotted time to eat, and if I don’t, well, I go hungry I suppose.

“Yes, sorry.” I stand straight as I’ve been taught.

“Lilah will be waking soon. It would be good to spend the day with her before the party.”


My heart melts and my bones freeze. “I would like that.” I say with watery eyes.

Ms. Maria smiles, this time a genuine one. “I’ll send her over as soon as she’s ready.”

I give her a small nod before scampering off to my small home. I change into something more reasonable for daytime and waiting for the tiny knock on my door. Within the next thirty minutes, I hear it. The two small knocks made from tiny knuckles. I rush to the door and swing it open, falling to my knees as a small, dark haired child with my eyes stares back at me.


“Lilah.” I open my eyes as my daughter runs into them. I see Ms. Maria standing behind her, watching us a few moments before walking back to the house without a word.

“Mommy, I missed you.” My three-year-old smells like clean laundry and what can only be described as my child. I burrow my nose inside of her hair and inhale deeply as tears leak from my eyes.