Page 80 of Chaotic Anger

Ivy grabs onto Max’s hair again and whips her to the floor, kicking her with her leather boot like a soccer ball.

Okay, that’s enough.

“Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Stop that shit.” I leap off the bench and wrap my arms around Ivy, lifting her off the ground and walking away from Max. “What the fuck?”

Ivy writhes in my grip, her only focus inflicting pain on Max.

“That little bitch.” Ivy growls, squirming around in an attempt to slide free.

“Calm the fuck down.” I grip her tighter.

Max screams from the ground. West helps her up while Violet stands to the side looking completely shocked.

I walk towards the gate, as far away from Max as humanly possible. It’s dark over here and quiet, most of the party still inside and completely unknowing of what just happened.

“Let me go! Let me go, Aziel! Why are you trying to protect her?” She screams at me, pulling at my hair.

“Would you chill out?” I yank her off me, slamming her up against the gate. “Ivy! Chill the fuck out!” I shout in her face.

She breathes heavily, her chest heaving with the motions. I don’t think she can ever see me through her rage.

I grip her cheeks, shaking her until she looks at me. “Ivy!”

Her gaze focuses, and she zones in on my face. “Are you protecting her?” She asks, offended and maybe a little hurt.

“No!” I bark. “I’m protectingyou.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “How are you protecting me?”

I release her and take a step back. “Because you can’t just go fucking people up for no reason.”

She raises her hands. “Are you fucking kidding me? She was going to start riding your dick right on the picnic table! What the hell do you expect me to do? Cheer her on?” She sneers.

“No, just… fuck. Hitting someone is one thing, Ivy. But you look like you wanted to fuck her up real good.”

She lifts her chin. “I would have if you wouldn’t have stopped me.”

“Which is exactly why I stopped you.”

“You hurt people all the time. Youkillpeople.”

“Yeah, and I don’t want you to have that shit on your conscience. There’s no coming back from it, Ivy. Once you reach a certain point, it changes a person.”

She pushes me away. “If you think there’s a turning point on my conscious, you don’t know me enough. I’m past that.”

“I just don’t want you to do something you’ll regret.” And she will, regret it, that is. The look in her eye when she kicked Max was one I’ve felt on my own face a million times. I’ve seen it on the face of my brothers. Of the members in the club. You don’t get that face when you’re just pissed. You get that face when you want to obliterate someone.

“The only thing I regret is not pulling her off sooner. What a whore. She totally deserved it. Fucking slut bag.” She sniffs.

“She deserved it.” I walk up to her, done talking about this. Done talking about some inconsequential bitch that I give zero shits about. She stirs up shit because she can. She flaunts her tits and ass because she has it. But she’s done here. “And she won’t be coming back to the club.”

“She better not.”

Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her into me and kiss her on the lips. “She done. She won’t be back.” I kiss her again.

Ivy kisses me back, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me deeply. “Did you like it? Did you like her on you like that?”

I shake my head. “Not at all.” I kiss her again, wanting to be done talking aboutfucking Maximillian.