Page 74 of Chaotic Anger

She opens the door. “Yes, you do. Now let’s go.”

We walk down the stairs, Lilah taking longer because of her heels. Once we get to the bottom of the stairs, I almost cry out at the scene in front of me.

Everyone, the seven and some regulars sit at the bar, some sit on the couch. Each one of them has a small bowl filled with candy in their hands as they wait for Lilah to trick or treat.

“This is… oh my God.” I wipe a stray tear that was too powerful to hold back. Aziel stands from where he was leaning up against the wall and walks up to me.

“Z! Look, I’m a princess!” Lilah shrieks, clacking her heels on the wooden floor.

“You sure are, kid. You ready to go trick or treating?”


“Let’s go then.” He says. Looking at me, he appraises my outfit. “You aren’t dressed up.”

I look down at my ripped jeans and So Cal shirt. “Violet got me something. I’ll change once I get Violet to bed.” I look down at his own outfit. “What’re you supposed to be?”

He chuckles. “A fuckin’ biker. Violet tries to dress us up every fuckin’ year. It ain’t happenin’.”

His leather cut sits over a black long sleeve Henley and some black jeans. His combat boots, as per usual, sit unlaced on his feet. His hat is forward today, the rim causing a shadow over his face, making him look untouchable.

“Well, you’re no fun. I thought Haley said Violet makeseveryonedress up.”

“She does, everyone but the Seven. I mean, doesn’t mean she still doesn’t try. But I’m not putting a cape on my back or walking around with a fucking sword. Sorry.” His lip quirks up, a dimple popping out on his cheek. He seems to always take my breath away, every time, effortlessly. His looks alone seem to draw the breath from my lungs with a blink and glance in my direction.

“Let’s get started, shall we?” Violet says.

Lilah starts to pull me along when an arm snakes around my waist. “Not even going to say hello to me properly?” Aziel growls in my ear. I’m spun around in the next second and his lips sink down on mine. I gasp, surprised as I kiss him back. The world around me cease to exist as he steals my breath and the beats of my heart with just a simple display of affection.

He releases me, and I step back, hoping everyone around me isn’t staring and gawking. Thankfully, only Haley, Violet, Lynx, and West are staring. They don’t look surprised, rather amused, actually. The rest of them either didn’t notice or didn’t care, in their own conversations or drinking and watching whatever it is that’s on TV.

I look down at Lilah, who’s staring at me curiously. “Okay, babe. Let’s go get some candy.”

* * *

“Mom,but I want to go to the party, too.” Lilah says from the bed, already in her pajamas but refusing to let go of her pale of candy. What was supposed to be thirty minutes ended up being over an hour of getting candy. Lilah stole the hearts of every single person she went up to. It was like a parade, except the bystanders passed out candy instead of receiving it. By the time we reached Charlie, who was the last person in line, people were already starting to show up for the party.

We ran upstairs shortly after, as it was way past Lilah’s bedtime.

“Lilah, this is a grown-up party.”

Violet clanks around in the bathroom, getting makeup out and turning her curling iron on. I have a feeling she’s going to get me way more overdone than I want to be.

“But I’m scared.” Lilah wines.

That makes me pause. I sit on the bed next to her and run my hands through her hair. “Why are you scared?”

“I don’t want to be here all by myself.”

“Someone will be outside the door at all times. And I’m going to check on you a lot. If you get scared, let someone know and I’ll be right back.” I’m not worried about it; she sleeps harder than a rock and won’t wake up till morning. “By the time you wake up, though, I’ll be sleeping in bed right next to you.”


“Promise.” I smile, leaning down to kiss her cheek. “I’m glad you had fun today.”

“I want to do it again tomorrow.”

I giggle. “I think you have enough candy for two months. We can do it next year though.”