Page 24 of Chaotic Anger

Yeah, probably didn’t want to fight in front of the kid.

“Thanks, man.” I nod at him and start walking towards the door. When I hear his boots, I turn around and see him walking towards the stairs. “Where are you going?”

“Uh, to bed?”

I laugh at him. “You’re sleeping here tonight, prospect. Need you to make sure she doesn’t flee.”

His shoulders drop to the floor, but he nods his head and comes back to his spot, taking a seat on the floor and pulling out his phone.

I shake my head at him as I crack open the door. My nostrils flare when I see the girls on my bed.

The look like they belong there.

Ivy lays in one of my shirts, arm slung over her daughter. Lilah has one of my shirts on too, and the collar is so big she could probably fit her entire body through the hole with no issue. They look content sleeping there, almost happy. Not quite, though. There’s a bit of lingering tension in Lilah’s expression. Almost like she’s sleeping with a pout.

Ivy, on the other hand, looks like she’s ready to bolt awake at any moment. Like she’s fighting between the realm of sleep and reality. She looks exhausted around the edges, and worried in the middle. But there’s something about her sleeping there, a little bit of her is at peace.

A part of me loves it. And a part of me hates it.

Not able to look at her another second, I spin on my feet and stomp through the door. My Harley Davidson boots thump a little too heavily on the ground, but I’m too fucking angry to care at this point.

Why? I don’t know.

I’m not too much of an asshole, though, because I close the door softly behind me. Charlie looks up from his phone with raised eyebrows.

“Everything okay?” He asks.

I point at him as I pass, needing to get far away from my room before I do something like walk back in there and stare at her all night.

“Don’t leave this fucking spot. Not for a second.”

He lifts his hands in the air in awhat the fuckgesture. “What if I need to take a piss?”

“I’ll have Haley bring you a fucking Depends. Don’t leave, not even for a second. Got it?”

I stop at the top of the stairs and level him a look. He swallows, his Adams apple bobbing as he sees the seriousness in my expression. “Got it.”

I nod, stomping down the stairs and walking into the living room, falling back on one of the couches. I don’t know why. I should get on my damn bike and ride my bike the five minutes it takes to get to my house. But I don’t. I lay on this uncomfortable, stiff leather couch as some of the guys fool around with a few Jessie’s at the bar. Can’t go to my room, either. Obviously.

“Yo, Z. What the fuck you doin’?” Cassius laughs as he walks up to me with a shot glass in hand, the murky liquor threatening to slosh over the rim of the glass. He slaps me on the shoulder, wiggling me around while his whiskey breath dances in front of my face. His eyes are red rimmed and a little foggy. Dude is wasted.

“Fuck out of here, dude. It’s been a long day.” I grumble, keeping my eyes closed and my arms crossed on top of my chest. I just want to sleep a little bit, wake up and figure out my plan tomorrow, smoke a little ganja, and maybe bury my dick in a Jessie. Besides that, I want to be left the fuck alone.

“I got Max here.”Ugh, shit. “She’s been looking for you. She’s wearing her leather skirt again. No panties this time. Want to know how I know?”

“Not in the slightest, no.”

“Her ass bent over, and I saw all that shit.All of it.”

I say nothing.

“Well, shit. If you don’t want to tap that pussy tonight, I might move in on it.”

“Go ahead.”

“Man, you sure?” He sounds surprised. I can’t help but crack my eyes open.

“Dude. Go fuck Max.Please. Go fuck her. Just get the fuck out of my face.” I slap his shot glass out of his hand and listen as it flies across the room and shatters next to the pool table.