Page 101 of Chaotic Anger

He smiles a sinister smile in my direction. “Ivy will always be mine, whether you stick yourgringo cockin her or not. She has been soaked in my seed. She has bred my heir. She is mine,Vice President, whether you agree with me or not.” He opens the door that looks like it leads to the basement, like he’s done with this conversation and with me.

“Lilah might be your blood, but I’m the one she asked to be her father last time I spoke with her.”

Fury, rage lit fury unlike anything I have ever seen on a person, lights up Santiago’s face. His skin turns from red, to white, to blue. He grabs onto my shoulders, shouting at me from an inch from my face. “Hijo de puta!” And pushes me.

I reach out, grabbing onto his shirt as I fall into air. I realize I’m falling down the stairs.


My back hits the stairs in an agonizing crunch. I spin once I’m airborne, pulling Santiago below me as we hit the next set of stairs. My head slams against the wall, then the stairs. Santiago’s does the same as we fall down the wooden stairs that lead to a cellar. A few steps from the ground, we separate by gravity, each falling onto our backs with a grunt.

My body radiates pain from every limb as I lay on the cement ground. My head pounds and my body throbs, and I can barely get out a word as the pain nearly blinds me.

“Z? Aziel, you in here?” I hear a familiar voice and turn my head to the side.

A shadow appears at the top of the stairs, and Charlie’s worried face appears in the doorway. “Aziel, you down there?”

I swallow down my pain and let out a gasp. “Yeah.” I grunt, hoping the echo down hear travels my voice up the stairs.

“Shit, you okay? What happened?” He starts coming down the stairs when something catches his attention. “Hello? Who’s here?” He looks up the stairs. “Hold on, Z! I’ll be right back.”

“Parece que moriremos juntos, Vicepresidente.” Santiago gasps.

I turn towards him. “The fuck you say?”

Santiago coughs, blood spurting from his mouth and across his cheek.

“Aziel!” Charlie’s panicked voice comes from on top of the stairs. “Someone threw something in here… I-I think it’s a bomb or something. We need to get you out of here!”

I look at Santiago with wide eyes, but all he does is stare at me.

I glance back at Charlie. “Run, Charlie, run!” I groan.

The childish, panicked look on his face rips my chest in two. He thinks for a split second, between club rules and his own life. He needs to know there is no choice. “Go, Charlie!” I roar, the words ripping from my throat with the pain ricocheting through my body.

He gives me a sad nod, only a split-second worth before he takes off.


A few seconds later, my world lights up, my body levitating off the ground with the explosion.

And everything goes dark.

* * *

A cough tickles my chest,waking me and tearing from my chest in a violent spasm. I curl over onto my side, letting spit and blood spew from my lungs.

“Ugh.” I gasp.

Holy shit.

I place my hands on the cement ground, looking around at the destruction around me. The walls have caved in. The ceilings have fallen down around me. Dust lingers in the air and creates a heavy film, making it painful every time I suck air into my lungs.

The brick has crumbled around me, and the racks of wine that must have been against the wall have fallen, leaving a mess of wet glass all over the ground.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

I just hope that Charlie got out okay.