‘Teblor mounts? Actually, friend, you are wrong in that. Well, not here, true, as you say. But to the west, in the Jhag Odhan, there are wild horses that are a match to your stature. Wild now, in any case. They are Jhag horses-bred long ago by the Jaghut. It may well be that your Teblor mounts are of the same breed-there were Jaghut on Genabackis, after all.’

‘Why have you not told me this before?’

Leoman lowered his right hand to the ground, watched as the flare-neck unwound down the length of his arm. ‘In truth, this is the first time you have ever mentioned that you Teblor possessed horses. Toblakai, I know virtually nothing of your past. No-one here does. You are not a loquacious man. You and I, we have ever travelled on foot, haven’t we?’

‘The Jhag Odhan. That is beyond Raraku.’

‘Aye. Strike west through the Whirlwind, and you will come to cliffs, the broken shoreline of the ancient sea that once filled this desert. Continue on until you come to a small city-Lato Revae. Immediately to the west lies the tip of the Thalas Mountains. Skirt their south edge, ever westward, until you come to River Ugarat. There is a ford south of Y’Ghatan. From the other side, strike west and south and west, for two weeks or more, and you will find yourself in the Jhag Odhan. Oh, there is some irony in this-there were once nomadic bands of Jaghut there. Hence the name. But these Jaghut were fallen. They had been predated on for so long they were little more than savages.’

‘And are they still there?’

‘No. The Logros T’lan Imass slaughtered them. Not so long ago.’

Karsa bared his teeth. ‘T’lan Imass. A name from the Teblor past.’

‘Closer than that,’ Leoman muttered, then he straightened. ‘Seek leave from Sha’ik to journey into the Jhag Odhan. You would make an impressive sight on the battlefield, astride a Jhag horse. Did your kind fight on horseback, or simply use them for transport?’

Karsa smiled in the darkness. ‘I will do as you say, Leoman. But the journey will take long-do not wait for me. If you and your scouts are still beyond the Whirlwind upon my return, I will ride out to find you.’


‘What of Felisin?’

Leoman was silent for a moment, then he replied, ‘Ghost Hands has been awakened to the… threat.’

Karsa sneered. ‘And what value will that be? I should kill Bidithal and be done with it.’

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‘Teblor mounts? Actually, friend, you are wrong in that. Well, not here, true, as you say. But to the west, in the Jhag Odhan, there are wild horses that are a match to your stature. Wild now, in any case. They are Jhag horses-bred long ago by the Jaghut. It may well be that your Teblor mounts are of the same breed-there were Jaghut on Genabackis, after all.’

‘Why have you not told me this before?’

Leoman lowered his right hand to the ground, watched as the flare-neck unwound down the length of his arm. ‘In truth, this is the first time you have ever mentioned that you Teblor possessed horses. Toblakai, I know virtually nothing of your past. No-one here does. You are not a loquacious man. You and I, we have ever travelled on foot, haven’t we?’

‘The Jhag Odhan. That is beyond Raraku.’

‘Aye. Strike west through the Whirlwind, and you will come to cliffs, the broken shoreline of the ancient sea that once filled this desert. Continue on until you come to a small city-Lato Revae. Immediately to the west lies the tip of the Thalas Mountains. Skirt their south edge, ever westward, until you come to River Ugarat. There is a ford south of Y’Ghatan. From the other side, strike west and south and west, for two weeks or more, and you will find yourself in the Jhag Odhan. Oh, there is some irony in this-there were once nomadic bands of Jaghut there. Hence the name. But these Jaghut were fallen. They had been predated on for so long they were little more than savages.’

‘And are they still there?’

‘No. The Logros T’lan Imass slaughtered them. Not so long ago.’

Karsa bared his teeth. ‘T’lan Imass. A name from the Teblor past.’

‘Closer than that,’ Leoman muttered, then he straightened. ‘Seek leave from Sha’ik to journey into the Jhag Odhan. You would make an impressive sight on the battlefield, astride a Jhag horse. Did your kind fight on horseback, or simply use them for transport?’

Karsa smiled in the darkness. ‘I will do as you say, Leoman. But the journey will take long-do not wait for me. If you and your scouts are still beyond the Whirlwind upon my return, I will ride out to find you.’


‘What of Felisin?’

Leoman was silent for a moment, then he replied, ‘Ghost Hands has been awakened to the… threat.’

Karsa sneered. ‘And what value will that be? I should kill Bidithal and be done with it.’

‘Toblakai, it is more than you that troubles Ghost Hands. I do not believe he will remain in camp much longer. And when he leaves, he will take the child with him.’

‘And that is a better option? She will become no more than his nurse.’

‘For a time, perhaps. I will send someone with them, of course. If Sha’ik did not need you-or at least believe she does-I would ask you.’

‘Madness, Leoman. I have travelled once with Ghost Hands. I shall not do so again.’

‘He holds truths for you, Toblakai. One day, you will need to seek him out. You might even need to ask for his help.’

‘Help? I need no-one’s help. You speak unpleasant words. I will hear them no more.’

Leoman’s grin was visible in the gloom. ‘You are as you always are, friend. When will you journey into the Jhag Odhan, then?’

‘I shall leave tomorrow.’

‘Then I had best get word to Sha’ik. Who knows, she might even condescend to see me in person, whereupon I might well succeed in ending her distraction with this House of Chains-’

‘This what?’

Leoman waved a dismissive hand. ‘The House of Chains. A new power in the Deck of Dragons. It is all they talk about these days.’

‘Chains,’ Karsa muttered, swinging round to stare at Urugal. ‘I so dislike chains.’

‘I will see you in the morning, Toblakai? Before you depart?’

‘You shall.’

Karsa listened to the man stride away. His mind was a maelstrom. Chains. They haunted him, had haunted him ever since he and Bairoth and Delum rode out from the village. Perhaps even before then. Tribes fashioned their own chains, after all. As did kinship, and companions, and stories with their lessons in honour and sacrifice. And chains as well between the Teblor and their seven gods. Between me and my gods. Chains again, there in my visions-the dead I have slain, the souls Ghost Hands says I drag behind me. I am-all that I am-has been shaped by such chains .

This new House-is it mine?

The air in the clearing was suddenly cold, bitterly so. A final, thrashing rush as the last of the snakes fled the clearing. Karsa blinked his eyes into focus, and saw Urugal’s indurated visage… awakening .