Rich scoots his chair back. “Come on, boys.” All six of us stand up, and we follow Rich to a closed door at the end of the hall.

Opening it up, I try my best to not act shocked at the scene in front of me.

Three men are tied up in front of us by the wrists. Their wrists are bound by rope above their heads, and their flushed red faces wet with perspiration as they look at us with terror. Strips of cloth are shoved in their mouths and tied behind their heads to quiet their pleas for help.

I don’t think anyone’s coming for them.

“These men are here for you, boys. They’ve done us wrong and their time has come. For you to be able to start working in the business, it’s going to be your job to dole out their punishments.”“What did they do?” Easton asks, a flick of excitement lighting up his eyes.

“These three men are the lowest on the totem pole. Low life drug dealers who think this life is a fucking game. Three men who tried to rob one of our dealers and take their stash. Pulled a gun to one of our men. Killed him. Now it’s time foryouto killthem.”

My dad walks out and comes back with three small boxes. Handing one to each of us, we open it up. Three, black, sleek guns shine back at us.

“These guns are for you. Keep them all you at all times. Know how to use it. We have a gun range up north. Go there often, get acquainted and skilled. Become a professional. You fuck up,you will die.”

“So, don’t fuck up.” Collin orders.

“Go ahead, Easton.” Rich orders, pointing at the first man.

Easton takes his gun out of the box, setting the box down on a chair next to the door. Looking it over, he feels each dip and groove, memorizing the metal.

He takes out the clip, makes sure it’s loaded then cocks it back into place. He walks up to the man on the left. Cocking his head to the side, he watches the man squirm in anxiousness at Easton’s gaze. Easton lifts the gun, a slight shake to his palm, giving away his nerves.

I don’t blame him. None of us have killed anyone before, and this is a big deal. Am I ready to take someone’s life? I know without a doubt that I am.Are they?

Easton brings the gun up and slams it down in the man’s cheek. He instantly cries out in agony, trying to move away from Easton, although he can’t get far. Easton checks his palm and sees a streak of blood on it. I watch as his eyes flare in delight. I start trembling in excitement to have the same feelings run through me.

I can’t wait.

Bringing the gun up again, he levels it between the guys eyes and pulls the trigger.


And just like that, the man lulls to the side as blood starts pouring out of the bullet hole. I watch it, mesmerized by the blood and the dead man in front of me. The two other men scream and cry, moving their legs away from their dead friend but their hands prevent them from getting more than two steps.

“Good job, son.” Rich pats Easton on the back.

Easton nods, keeping his head down as he flicks the safety on and slips the gun in his waistband of his jeans.

Collin, who has been leaning up against the wall, stands up. “Go ahead, Logan.”

Logan has been quiet this entire time. I’m almost nervous for him. I know he would take over this business with no issues, no qualms, and no hesitations. It’s the part of killing someone. He’s not a bad guy, Logan. He’s good, funny, and loyal. It’s his loyalty to this family that will make him pull the trigger. Not his thirst for blood like me and Easton. He likes the business side of the job, not the killing part.

Logan takes his gun out of the box, dropping the box to the floor. He checks over the gun, making sure the safety is off and the gun is loaded before lifting the gun and shooting the weeping guy in the middle without a second thought.


He turns around, flicking the safety and sliding it into his pants. His dad watches him, but Logan gives nothing away. For the first time maybe ever, Logan has a poker face on.

“Your turn, Jackson.” My dad’s words spill over my spine like a thick tar. His taunting voice, like he doesn’t really believe I can do it.

I look at the gun laying in the box in my hands, then up at the remaining guy. He has tears streaming down his face and his muffled pleas are the only sounds that fill the room. The scent of blood has filled the room and I’ve never smelt it this strong before.

I have this anticipation humming through my veins and I don’t remember the last time I was this excited. Maybe it’s the knowledge that my life now has a purpose. Maybe it’s the fact that I can do something to make my dad proud.

Or maybe it’s just the fact that I want to gut this fucker like a fish.

I set the box down on top of Easton’s, and I can hear the surprised noises from behind me.