“Mmmm.” Lynx mumbles as he handles one. He checks to make sure it’s loaded, cocks it, and shoots off into the distance.

Aziel whistles. “Shit.”

Aziel nods to Cassius, who goes to his bike and grabs a large suitcase strapped to the side. Walking over to Santiago, he opens it up, revealing multiple stacks of cash. Santiago nods to one of his men, who walk over and grab the suitcase from Cassius.

West and Jex walk over to the van and grab the cases of guns. Easton pops the trunk, and they start moving the crates to the back of the car.

“Always good dealing with you, Santiago.” Lynx starts pulling on his leather gloves as he nods at Santiago.

“Lynx, I got another proposition for you.” Santiago smiles, and I immediately go on guard. I don’t like the slimy look on his face. It reminds me too much of Sanders.

“I’d like to start expanding. You know, build my zone a little bit over the border.”

Lynx frowns. “The fuck you talkin’ ‘bout, Santiago?”

“Well, with Sanders gone, there are many moving pieces. I think it’s all but fair that we shift our zones a little bit so we can expand.”

“That’s not how it works.” Easton steps forward. I don’t blame his anger. There are rules and guidelines each cartel and club have to abide by. You can’t justexpandyour region because you fucking want to.

Santiago holds his hands up. “That’s why I thought I’d bring it up here and now, you know, before I actually started moving forward with it.”

“You’re not coming on my territory, Santiago.”

Santiago scowls. “I don’t think you have much of a say,Lynx.My empire is building. Things are messy down south. I don’t want your entire region. I just think with Sanders gone…” He shrugs. “We can all shift around a little bit to make things work.”

“No.” Lynx growls.

Santiago laughs. “I wasn’t asking for your permission.”

Easton steps forward. “You’re lucky we even let you do business over here. Stay in your fucking lane. We’ll have your head before you stick your feet in the sand.”

Santiago leans his head back and barks out a laugh. “You, my boy, are foolish. Foolish and young. Don’t worry, you’ll learn.”

“You’ll be gut like a fish if you try expanding on my territory.”

“It’s not atry, Easton. It’swhen.” Santiago turns around and barks over his shoulder. “You’ll be hearing from us soon, gentlemen. Until then, have a pleasant day.” He waves a hand to his men and they all pile back into the vehicles.

They speed off, leaving a cloud of dust much like they did when they came.

Easton looks at me. “Fuck.”

I grab a cigarette, sparking it up as I watch the vans disappear into the distance. “Fuck, indeed.”



Thisreallyis somethingelse.

I watch the ocean ripple and brush against my toes, the cool water a shock on this warm day. It’s exactly like Rose said.

There’s no describing the ocean. You have to see it for yourself.

It’s big and blue. The water goes so far in front of me it’s like the end of the world. Does it go on forever? Does it eventually drop into nothingness?

This is something I never thought I’d experience, and not something I’m thinking I might ever be able to see again, so I soak up every ounce of water, curling my toes into the warm sand and loving the feel of the sun warming my skin.

“Like I said, beautiful, right?” Rose says from beside me, laid out on a towel as she soaks up the sun.