Easton parks his truck down the road in an alley. We hop out and split up, me walking down the alley towards the back of the house and Easton walking on the road towards the front.

My knife glints in the sun as I inspect the flecks of red blood dried up on the tip. I wipe it on my jeans as I walk up to the back door.

Fast or slow. Fast or slow.

Do I want to kill this fucker fast or slow?

I can never decide.

On one hand, if it were up to Easton, he’d usually just kill them in one go. Gun shot to the head or some shit. I’m messier. I like the blood to get on my hands and watch as it covers their body. I love the metallic scent that permeates the air and Iloveto hear their last breath leave their body. Absolutely love it.

Once I’m at the back door, I press my ear up against it and listen.

When I hear the doorbell ring, I smirk.

“Oh, what the fuck.” Comes a nasally voice.

I hear the front door open, and then, “What the hell!”

I open up the screen door and swing back, kicking forward as hard as I can and watching as the lock on the door breaks, swinging open and slamming against the wall.

“Fuck! Get out!” The short, curly haired fuck screams from the other side of the room. Easton has him by the back of the neck, towering over him in a mass of anger.

“I think you know why we’re here. You paid up, but that wasn’t all of it, was it? Where is the fucking rest?” Easton squeezes his neck so hard his fingertips turn white. I watch as the guy’s face scrunches in pain and it brings a smile to my face.

“Where. Is. It?” Easton asks again.

The guy lifts his hands in the air as he uses all his might to move away from Easton’s hand. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ll get it. I-I just need a little time.”

“Time’s up, bud. The Reaper is here to collect.” Easton shoves him forward, and I grab him around the front of the shirt as he tumbles to the ground.

I shove him over on his front, watching him squirm around like a fucking worm. I place the toe of my shoe right between his legs over his crotch. Pressing down ever so slightly, I puff out a silent laugh when he screams in terror. “Please. Please, don’t, Oh, God. Please! I promise I’ll get you the rest of the money. Just give me a couple days!”

“Too late.” I mouth at him and watch as his cries stop as dread seeps into his eyes.

“P-please.” He whispers, tears flooding his eyes.

I shake my head no, almost feeling guilty that I don’t feel guilty. But I don’t. I feel satisfaction that this guy will be dead, and I won’t have to breathe the same air as him anymore.

He gets another wind, struggling to get out of my hold and I press all my weight down on his dick, looking up at Easton as this guy screams in horror.

He nods his head, walking towards the window and looking to see if we’ve caught any attention. He looks back to me and nods his head. I lean over, slapping him across the cheek. He looks up at me in shock.

I press my finger to my lips.

He turns into a blubbering mess at that, tears falling down his cheeks in wobbly rivers.

I sigh.

I prefer a fight, honestly. Not some ball of tears.

I lift my foot off his dick and step back. He presses his heels into the carpet moves back from me quickly. Rolling over onto his knees, he pushes himself up with his hands and makes a break for the door.

I smile.Finally.

I walk up behind him and with the heel of my palm, I slam it roughly into the back of his head. It crashes down to the floor, and he grunts as his forehead slams into the ground. Grabbing him by the hair I pull his head back and watch as blood drips out of his nose. With my knife, I place the blade against in neck and listen as he swallows audibly.

“P-please.” He whispers, the word wet from the blood dripping between his lips.