Rose unlocks her phone and leans over so I can see her screen. “This doctor office is close by and they look really good. Might be worth giving them a call.”

I pull the phone out of her hands and take a look. Scrolling through, I see a few women family doctors that look promising. Feeling like this is a good pick, I take a deep breath and hit the call button.

“You’re calling them?” Rose mouths to me.

I nod and avert my eyes. I’m nervous as hell. I’m not even on any health insurance. What am I going to do about that? I can’t afford all these appointments out of pocket. I don’t even have a job…

The doctor office receptionist picks up, and I explain to the woman that I need to make a pregnancy appointment.

The woman huffs out a laugh. “A prenatal appointment?”

“Yes.” I ground out between my teeth. Fucking bitch.

We make an appointment, and although it isn’t for a few weeks yet, she gave me instructions to fill out the paperwork (yay, more paperwork) she’s mailing me and to go purchase some prenatal vitamins. She also told me I need to call and get on medical assistance.

Another damn thing I have to do.

“So? Appointment made?” Rose has a subtle excitement growing in her eyes.

“Rose… please stop. Don’t get excited. You know I’m not going to keep this baby. I’m giving it up for adoption.” We stare at each other as our eyes start to water.

When my front door slams open, both of us jump about a foot in the air as Jackson stands there with a murderous look on his face.

“Now was is this about you giving my fucking baby up for adoption?”



One hour ago

Ilick the paperand fold it over, smoothing it and smiling at my creation. I’ve always been the best joint roller around. It’s fucking perfect.

Lighting it up, I frown when I hear my front door open.

“Hello?” I hear a familiar voice.

Coughing, I let out a, “Yeah,” and watch as Easton walks into my room with his eyebrows lifted.

“What’s going on, bro? Haven’t seen you in a minute.” He slaps my hand and I pass him the joint. “Where you been?”

I shrug. “Not shit. Just here. You know.”

Easton cocks his head to the side. “What the fuck you mean you’ve beenhere. You hatehere.”

I scowl at him, choosing not to answer. He’s right. I fucking hate it here. Here is where my dad treats me like shit, and I have to watch my mother wither away. But I can’t very well tell him that I’ve been stuck here because I feel like too much of a bastard to go anywhere.

I knocked someone up. But not just someone. I knocked Cara up. She’s carrying my baby.

I’m going to be a parent and I don’t have the first clue on what that actually means.

Did she do this shit on purpose?

Is the kid even mine?

Easton sits down on the floor next to the bed, and together we silently smoke this joint, passing it between one another. I think about the last time I saw Cara before she told me she was pregnant. It was the day she told Easton and Rose we slept together. I made the mistake of sleeping with her a couple times, and none of them ended well. Sleeping with her that morning was the very end. The straw that broke the fucking camel’s back.

* * *