She looked down at the bound Jaghut. 'To answer the death of Toc the Younger, brother to Onos T'oolan, I must kill you, Seer.'
Paran stared, disbelieving the name he had just heard.
The Jaghut's response was a grim unsheathing of his lower tusks. Then he said, 'You should have killed us the first time. Yes, I remember you. Your lies.'
'Toc the Younger?' Quick Ben asked. 'From Onearm's Host? But-'
'He was lost,' Paran said. 'Thrown into a chaotic warren by Hairlock.'
The wizard was scowling. 'To land in the Seer's lap? That hardly seems-'
'He appeared here,' the woman cut in. 'At Morn. The Seer interrupted his journey north to rejoin his people, a journey that, for a time, he shared with Onos T'oolan. The Seer tortured the mortal, destroyed him.'
'Toc's dead?' Paran asked, his mind feeling rocked in every direction.
'I saw his body, yes. And now, I will deliver unto this Jaghut pain to match.'
'Have you not already done so?' the Jaghut hissed.
The Bonecaster's face tightened.
'Wait,' Quick Ben said, looking now to both her and Paran. 'Listen to me. Please. I knew Toc as well, and I grieve for the loss. But it changes nothing, not here, not now.' He turned once more back to the Seer. 'She is still in there, you know.'
The Jaghut flinched, eyes widening.
'Didn't you understand that? The Matron could only take one. You.'
'Your sister is still there. Her soul seals that wound. It's the way warrens heal themselves, to keep from bleeding into each other. The first time, it was the Matron — the K'Chain Che'Malle. Time's come, Seer, to send her back. Hood knows what that Finnest will do — once you release it, once you send it into that rent-'
The Jaghut managed a ghastly smile. 'To free my sister? To what? You fool. You blind, stupid fool. Ask the Bonecaster — how long would we survive in this world? The T'lan Imass will hunt us in earnest now. I free my sister, to what? A short life, filled with flight — I remember, mortal. I remember! Running. Never enough sleep. Mother, carrying us, slipping in the mud-' He shifted his head a fraction, 'And oh how I remember you, Bonecaster! You sent us into that wound — you-'
'I was mistaken,' the woman said. 'I thought — I believed — it was a portal into Omtose Phellack.'
She looked down at the bound Jaghut. 'To answer the death of Toc the Younger, brother to Onos T'oolan, I must kill you, Seer.'
Paran stared, disbelieving the name he had just heard.
The Jaghut's response was a grim unsheathing of his lower tusks. Then he said, 'You should have killed us the first time. Yes, I remember you. Your lies.'
'Toc the Younger?' Quick Ben asked. 'From Onearm's Host? But-'
'He was lost,' Paran said. 'Thrown into a chaotic warren by Hairlock.'
The wizard was scowling. 'To land in the Seer's lap? That hardly seems-'
'He appeared here,' the woman cut in. 'At Morn. The Seer interrupted his journey north to rejoin his people, a journey that, for a time, he shared with Onos T'oolan. The Seer tortured the mortal, destroyed him.'
'Toc's dead?' Paran asked, his mind feeling rocked in every direction.
'I saw his body, yes. And now, I will deliver unto this Jaghut pain to match.'
'Have you not already done so?' the Jaghut hissed.
The Bonecaster's face tightened.
'Wait,' Quick Ben said, looking now to both her and Paran. 'Listen to me. Please. I knew Toc as well, and I grieve for the loss. But it changes nothing, not here, not now.' He turned once more back to the Seer. 'She is still in there, you know.'
The Jaghut flinched, eyes widening.
'Didn't you understand that? The Matron could only take one. You.'
'Your sister is still there. Her soul seals that wound. It's the way warrens heal themselves, to keep from bleeding into each other. The first time, it was the Matron — the K'Chain Che'Malle. Time's come, Seer, to send her back. Hood knows what that Finnest will do — once you release it, once you send it into that rent-'
The Jaghut managed a ghastly smile. 'To free my sister? To what? You fool. You blind, stupid fool. Ask the Bonecaster — how long would we survive in this world? The T'lan Imass will hunt us in earnest now. I free my sister, to what? A short life, filled with flight — I remember, mortal. I remember! Running. Never enough sleep. Mother, carrying us, slipping in the mud-' He shifted his head a fraction, 'And oh how I remember you, Bonecaster! You sent us into that wound — you-'
'I was mistaken,' the woman said. 'I thought — I believed — it was a portal into Omtose Phellack.'
'Liar! You may be flesh and blood, but in your hatred for the Jaghut you are no different from your undead kin. No, you'd discovered a more horrible fate for us.'
'No. I believed I was saving you.'
'And you never knew the truth? You never realized?'
Paran watched the woman's expression close, her eyes flattening. 'I saw no way of undoing what I had done.'
'Coward!' the Jaghut shrieked.
'Enough of all this,' Quick Ben cut in. 'We can fix it now. Return the Matron to the wound, Seer. Retrieve your sister.'
'Why? Why should I? To see us both cut down by the T'lan Imass?'
'He is right,' the woman said. 'Even so, Jaghut, better that than an eternity of pain, such as your sister is now suffering.'
'I need only wait. One day,' the Seer hissed, 'some fool will come upon this site, will probe, will reach into the portal-'
'And will make the exchange? Freeing your sister.'
'Yes! Beyond the sight or knowledge of the T'lan Imass! Beyond-'
'A small child,' Quick Ben said. 'Alone. In a wasteland. I have a better idea.'
The Jaghut bared his teeth in a silent snarl.
The wizard slowly crouched down beside the Seer. 'Omtose Phellack. Your warren is under siege, isn't it? The T'lan Imass long ago breached it. And now, whenever it is unveiled, they know about it. They know where, and they come …'
The Jaghut simply glared.
Quick Ben sighed. 'The thing is, Seer, I have found a place for it. A place that can remain … hidden. Beyond the ability of the T'lan Imass to detect. Omtose Phellack can survive, Seer, in its fullest power. Survive, and heal .'
The sticksnare on his chest spoke, 'Listen to this wizard, Jaghut. He offers a mercy you do not deserve.'
Paran cleared his throat, said, 'Seer. Were you aware that you have been manipulated? Your power — it wasn't Omtose Phellack, was it?'
'I used,' the Jaghut grated, 'what I could find.'
'The Warren of Chaos, yes. Wherein is trapped a wounded god. The Chained One, a creature of immense power, a creature in pain, who seeks only the destruction of this world, of every warren — including Omtose Phellack. He is indifferent to your desires, Seer, and he has been using you. Worse, the venom of his soul — he's been speaking … through you. Thriving on pain and suffering. through you. Since when were Jaghut interested only in destruction? Not even the Tyrants ruled with such cruelty as you have. Tell me, Seer, do you still feel as twisted inside? Do you still delight in thoughts of delivering pain?'