“It’s a hunk of metal,” Piper says, walking up to the shop window. “These dresses, though, they are atrocious. How the hell do you wear something like this? And why would you?”

Blaire walks up to the door, pulling on the handle. It creaks on its hinges, and she waves her hand in front of her face as she backs up. “Holy stale clothes.”

After a small cough, she steps inside, Piper walking behind her. The door shuts behind them, a hollow bell clanking above the entryway. They walk around, their eyes wide. The sound of a car door opening snaps my gaze down, and I see Felix on the other side of the car.

Felix is at the driver’s side, and he leans inside, reaching over to my side and unlocking the passenger’s door. I narrow my eyes as I open it, smelling worn leather with a hint of stale cigarettes burnt into the seats. The steering wheel is small, and everything seems so fancy, even though Felix drives a car worth triple of what this is worth.

“This is so crazy,” I mumble. “I feel like I’m stepping back in time or something.”

He bends down, reaching under the seat. “Because you are.” He narrows his eyes as he grabs something, pulling out a folded-up paper that was shoved beneath.

“What is that?” I grab for it, the letters so faded they are almost illegible. I straighten out the paper, bringing it close to my face and reading it.

My eyes widen.

“Witch hunt growing dire in Castle Pointe. Locals growing wary as more turn up dead.” I repeat the words slowly, my brows furrowing as I try to make sense of the article.

Witch hunt? When?

The paper is snatched from my fingers, and Felix reads it over, his eyes narrowing before he tosses it down on the chair. “How many fucking witches are there in this town?”

I glare at him.Dig. “Not enough, apparently. You’re still here.”

He sneers at me. I pushed a button. He’s related to a witch, and apparently, he doesn’t like being reminded of that. “Let’s keep looking. I couldn’t care less about some ancient witch in Castle Pointe. Or any witch, for that matter.”

I slide out of the car, slamming the door shut. “You’re the biggest asshole I’ve ever met in my life.”

“And you’re the biggest pain in my ass I’ve ever met in my life.”

“What’s going on?” Atticus walks out of a store across the street, and my eyes glance up, seeing that he and Levi just left an old tobacco shop.

“Nothing,” I grumble, watching Felix’s eyes narrow as Atticus and Levi walk up to me.

I want to get these guys back for what they did to me the night before. I want to scare them like they scared me. “You know, you guys had some balls last night. Threatening a witch and all. Do you know how easy it would be for me to go grab a couple of things, do a little ritual, and have the greatest revenge of all?”

I can tell he immediately grows uneasy with that thought, even though he tries to hide it.

Felix lets out a small smile, leaning in close until his lips nearly brush my cheek. “You know what I think, little witch?”

A shiver racks my spine, and I tilt my head up until our lips nearly brush. “What’s that?” They call me a witch, but they constantly cast me under a spell that I can’t break with all the strength I hold within me.

Heat covers my back, and I can smell Felix’s warm, smoky, woodsy scent envelop me completely. “I think you’re stepping into a game you don’t want to play.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “I think you’re trying toplaywith the wrong person. I’m not a toy you can fuck with, Felix. I’m not a whore you can fuck and ditch. And I’m certainly not some pawn you guys can play your sick, twisted games with. Find someone else and fuck right off,” I snap, my fingers going out and jabbing him in the chest.

As I spin around, my back brushes Atticus, my front pressing against Felix. “I’m not playing your games,” I breathe, feeling the heat of them enveloping me, and it’s too much at once. Their scents are toxic, intimidating, and oh-so tempting. I understand why girls flock to them in moments like this. They are on a level of their own.

Felix’s eyes smile, while his lips remain in a straight line. His eyes lift toward his friends, right over my head. Suddenly, there’re hands wrapped around my waist, pressed to the front of my thighs. Atticus’s fingers grab onto the hem of my skirt, lifting it just under my panties.

“It seems to me you’re already playing,” Felix says calmly, watching as his friend touches dangerously close to my sex.

Levi steps up, creating a shadow of darkness around us. A puff of smoke floats in front of me, and then Levi’s face is there, his scruff brushing my cheek. “You want to play another game, little witch? Want to see how dangerous we can be?”

Felix does nothing, says nothing. He controls his friends with his eyes, while he remains impassive in front of me.

Yet I can feel him, growing harder, pressing against me, watching me intently.

Felix turns his gaze to Levi, lifting an eyebrow. Then Levi’s fingers are suddenly on my thigh, traveling up the sensitive skin, curling around the inside warmth, the tips of his fingers brushing my panties.