I could never bring her real happiness. She saves the world.

I burn it down.

She heals.

I torture.

She walks in the light.

I walk in the darkness.

They are two different paths, leading in two different directions, only to end in two completely separate lives. I will never be what she needs. She might think so at the moment, but my sins and the evil that runs through me will drag her down until she’s suffocating beneath me, and at that point, I will never let her go.

So I left, and I hid.

I never wanted to see her again, but my body has a mind of its own, and all I can do is end up in front of her, making sure she’s okay, with the promise of never coming back… but then I do.

Time and time again.

“You think I can’t sense the type of man you are, standing in front of me? You think you’re any different from your father, or your grandfather, or hell, even your great-grandmother?”

I sneer at her. “Don’t compare me to that witch,” I spit.

Her eyes grow darker. “We’re all witches in Castle Pointe, Felix. Even you.”

I take a step back. “I’m not,” I growl.

She smiles, and there’s a hint of wickedness in her eyes. “I’m not here to spar with the stalker who watches my granddaughter from afar. I’m only here to give you a hint of advice.”

I run my tongue along my teeth. “It’s unneeded.”

She takes another step forward, a stick cracking under her slipper. “Well, I’m going to give it to you anyway.”

I swallow down my sigh, not wanting to listen to this, but I’m guessing if I don’t, she’ll fucking tie me down until I do.

“Give it to me, then,” I snap.

“I’ll give it to you in the lightest way possible. Everyone’s compass leads to something. Sometimes it’s their job, or maybe it’s raising a family. It could be magic, or a bottle of liquor. Other times, it could be that beating muscle in your chest.”

I clench my jaw, staring at her.

“When you put two magnets together, do they separate? Is there no pull between them? Is it simply like two pieces of paper that can flutter away with the weakest gust of wind? No. There is a damn pull between the two that can’t be avoided. Why, you ask?”

I don’t say a word, and she continues on.

“Because before you are born, your life is written. You don’t choose your path, much to your dismay. A magnet does not become a magnet. A magnet alreadyis. You don’t choose which way is north on a compass, it justis. As is the same when your path is forged in life. The stars are aligned before you take your first breath.”

“What are you trying to say?” I ask with narrowed eyes.

“I’m telling you that you can be uneasy, and have reservations that your blood matches hers, or that your path doesn’t lead you down the road that you imagined. You can fight your fate, but you’ll always end back up here, outside my granddaughter’s window, staring at her, longing for her. Do you know why?”

“Why?” I croak, my chest finally twisting, her words beginning to make sense. She’s telling me something I don’t want to hear, but my soul aches to believe it, to know I’m salvageable.

She steps toward me until she’s only a foot away. Lifting her arm, she rests her hand gently on the cuff of my shoulder. I stand a good seven inches above her, but I somehow feel two feet tall in front of her.

“Because fate doesn’t let you choose, it chooses you.”

I stare down at her, wanting to tell her everything I’m feeling. That with this twisted feeling I’ve always had, that love isn’t in the cards for me. I’ve never even been interested in it. I’ve never fucking yearned for companionship, but somehow, I just always want to have her in my space.