I will not let them find me. They will never find me.

But I will find them.

They will never live an easy life, not as long as I walk this earth, both dead and alive.

They may have taken my ancestors from me. They may have won that battle, though they will not win this one.

Tonight, there will be death.

Tonight, there will be blood.

I can smell it in the air.

The lights have grown close now, and it is time.

This is the end.

I will see you soon, son.

I will see you soon, husband.

Rowena Kipling

My eyes widen, and the journal slips from my fingers as I fly over the side of my bed, my hands digging into my backpack as I pull out theHistory of Castle Pointebook.

Holy shit, Rowena must be Beryl Kipling’s daughter? One of the original witches in Castle Pointe?

My blood runs cold, and I shiver, burrowing farther under my covers as I open theHistory of Castle Pointe, paging through until I find the date I’m looking for.

May 18th, 1967

The day everything changed.

There are many dark days of Castle Pointe, though May eighteenth is one of the worst.

We have dealt with much darkness, an overwhelming amount of evil. We have dealt with the original witches causing havoc, committing murder, so much devastation on our lands.

Though, no one was quite as evil as Rowena Kipling.

Daughter to Beryl Kipling, I would say that the town of Castle Pointe believed we saw the worst evil with Beryl Kipling and Sibley Alastair.

How wrong we were.

During the night of May eighteenth, we experienced so much devastation and darkness that it took years to recover. Though the light made its way back to Castle Pointe, the sun has never again shined. We never will feel warmth on our skin if we are inside Castle Pointe.

Those who want to leave Castle Pointe for good, they never will.

Rowena Kipling has cursed this town worse than Beryl Kipling and Sibley Alastair ever could.

As the townsfolk searched for Rowena, they made their way across the bridge in hopes of finding her once and for all. They were fed up, tired, and scared for their lives.

What they found was enough to wish they never would’ve crossed that bridge.

Rowena stood in the street as the town descended on her, the pitchforks, knives, and guns in hand, ready to exterminate the disease that covered the town.

Dozens of men in this town fell under a curse, and there was no stopping what was to come.

With the rise of her hands, people started to catch on fire.