“Is there something we can do right now? I feel like we’re just sitting ducks, waiting around with our thumbs up our asses for the next ball to drop,” Levi says, a heavy scowl on his face.

I turn to look out of the window, my eyes on the blood-red moon. “That moon? That’s all Rowena. In her words, she wrote, ‘The moon will turn red with the blood of those who have caused me and my ancestors turmoil and will weep as it rains fire on their skin and burns their bones to ash.’” I take a deep breath. “The moon has turned red since the moment we burnt down the church. We find out how to end the curse, then we close the portal, and hopefully we can end this once and for all.”

“How?” Felix snaps. “Fucking how?”

My blood cools, my bones locking up as a thick, heavy darkness seeps into my pores, infecting my entire being.

I start to feel faint as a whooshing begins in my ears. I want to tell them my plan. I want to explain that I feel so close I can taste it, but the only thing brushing against my tongue is an evil that has me biting it. I worry the moment I allow it to take over, this entire journey will have been for nothing.

I turn to Felix. “Can you bring me home? My head is starting to hurt.”

He narrows his eyes at me, like he has no fucking idea why I would ask him over my friends. But I narrow my eyes back at him, hoping I can convey that I want him to take me. I know for certain, the moment I get into a car alone with any of the girls, I will crack, and they will fucking freak out if I tell them what I think is going on.

What I’m almost certain is going on.

Felix won’t want to help me. He’s the enemy. If anything, he’ll want to see me suffer. But I think something has shifted between us, and if he feels the same, he can’t turn me down.

The blood that runs through his veins is strong. He can do many things if he puts his mind to it. And right now, I need that strength.

I need Felix.

He blinks at me, and I almost think he’s going to say no, when he grabs onto my arm. “Let’s go then, little witch.”

“Hazel,” Vera snaps.

I glance over my shoulder, waving her away. “I’m fine. I’ll call you after I get some sleep. We can talk and figure out what to do.”

Blaire and Piper narrow their eyes at me in suspicion, but Felix is quick, pulling me down the stairs and out the door. A light rain has started, pelting through the thick fog that raises from the ground.

I gasp in a breath of fresh air, wishing so much that the heaviness would leave my chest, but if anything, it grows thicker. Darker. To the point I don’t feel like I can see much of anything besides the shadows that fill the air around me.

Felix lets go of me, and I scramble down the driveway, tearing his passenger door open and leaping inside. My back slams onto the seat, and I close my eyes, leaning my head against the headrest.

“What the fuck is going on with you?” Felix snaps as he opens his door, slipping inside and turning on the car. He rolls the car backward, reversing out of the driveway. My eyes crack open, and I tilt my head toward him, wondering if I can trust him. I know I shouldn’t, but I also can’t deny that something is changing between us.

I feel closer to him, even though we’re still so far away.

I can’t help but feel as if we’re connected, like he’s marked my soul and burnt his claim on every part of me. I never wanted it. I never believed I’d need it. But now that he’s here, beside me, I realize how safe I feel around him, even when he has the power to cause me to feel nothing but absolute madness.

“Are you going to tell me?” he barks at me, turning on his windshield wipers. They squeak with every swipe, groaning against the glass. It becomes too much, the sound offensive and shrieking in my ears. A deep ache forms behind my eyes, and I bring the heels of my hands to my eyelids, rubbing away the tension.

“Hazel.” His voice sounds as if it’s coming through a tunnel. Like he’s speaking into a paper Dixie cup, and the other end is over my ear from miles away.

Don’t trust him. Don’t trust him.

“Hazel!” he shouts at me.

I have to.

“Pull over, Felix,” I say calmly.

He narrows his eyes at me. “What?”

“Pull over!” I scream, tugging on the neckline of the dirty white shirt I’m wearing. I want to tear it from my skin, freeing my lungs from the constriction they feel.

He jerks the wheel sharply, pulling off to the side of the road. My body slams against the door, and I let out a groan as he comes to a stop. When my eyes open, I see Lake Superior in front of me, crashing angrily against the rocky shore. The waters are raging. As if my soul knew it to be true, I could speak it with certainty.

A storm is coming.